A simple bootstrap dropdown for selecting from world countries
Make sure to include 'CountrySelecter' as a dependency in your angular module.
To implement the selecter in your markup, use the following syntax:
<country-selecter ng-model="myCountry"></country-selecter>
Default Country
The following syntax will make Denmark your default country (selected automatically)
<country-selecter ng-model="myCountry" default-country="DK"></country-selecter>
Preferred Countries
Use preferred countries to always display your preferred countries at the top of the list
<country-selecter ng-model="myCountry" preferred-countries="SE,NO,DK"></country-selecter>
Include/Exclude Countries
Use include-countries or exclude-countries if you wish to specify explicitly which countries to display or not to display in the list. Example:
<country-selecter include-countries="SE,NO,CO,KH,DK" preferred-countries="SE,NO,DK" default-country="SE" ng-model="myCountry"></country-selecter>