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stsrki committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent 2e0fcfe commit 55a57d8
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Showing 24 changed files with 22 additions and 1,811 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -128,237 +128,4 @@
<DocsPageSectionSource Code="AutocompleteVirtualizeExample" />

<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(Autocomplete<,>)]" />


<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<DocsAttributesItem Name="TItem" Type="generic">
Model data type.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Data" Type="IEnumerable<TItem>">
Data used for the search.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="TextField" Type="Func">
Selector for the display name field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="ValueField" Type="Func">
Selector for the value field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedValue" Type=" object">
Currently selected value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedValueChanged" Type="EventCallback<string>">
Raises an event after the selected value has changed.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedText" Type="string">
Currently selected text.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedTextChanged" Type="EventCallback<string>">
Raises an event after the selected text has changed.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="CurrentSearch" Type="string">
Gets or sets the currently selected item text. CurrentSearch is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use Search instead.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="CurrentSearchChanged" Type="EventCallback<string>">
Occurs on every search text change. CurrentSearchChanged is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use SearchChanged instead.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Search" Type="string">
Gets or sets the currently selected item text.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchChanged" Type="EventCallback<string>">
Occurs on every search text change.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Placeholder" Type="string">
Placeholder for the empty search field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="MinLength" Type="int" Default="1">
Minimum number of character needed to start search. Set this to 0 to make the Autocomplete function like a dropdown.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="MaxMenuHeight" Type="string" Default="200px">
Sets the maximum height of the dropdown menu.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Filter" Type="enum" Default="StartsWith">
Filter method used to search the data.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Disabled" Type="bool" Default="false">
Disable the input field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Immediate" Type="bool?" Default="null">
If true the text in will be changed after each key press (overrides global settings).
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Debounce" Type="bool?" Default="null">
If true the entered text will be slightly delayed before submitting it to the internal value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="DebounceInterval" Type="int?" Default="null">
Interval in milliseconds that entered text will be delayed from submitting to the internal value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Validator" Type="Action<ValidatorEventArgs>" Default="null">
Validation handler used to validate selected value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="AsyncValidator" Type="Func<ValidatorEventArgs, CancellationToken, Task>" Default="null">
Asynchronously validates the selected value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="NotFoundContent" Type="RenderFragment<string>">
Render fragment when no value has been found on the data source.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="NotFound" Type="EventCallback<string>">
Raises an event when no value has been found on the data source.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="FreeTyping" Type="bool" Default="false">
Allows the value to not be on the data source.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="CustomFilter" Type="Func<TItem, string, bool>">
Handler for custom filtering on Autocomplete’s data source.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Multiple" Type="bool" Default="false">
Allows for multiple selection.
Multiple parameter will be removed in a future version, please replace with SelectionMode.Multiple Parameter instead.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="MultipleBadgeColor" Type="Color" Default="Color.Primary">
Sets the Badge color for the multiple selection values. Used when multiple selection is set.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="MultipleDisabledBadgeColor" Type="Color" Default="Color.Light">
Sets the disabled Badge color for the multiple selection values. Used when multiple selection is set.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedValues" Type="List<TValue>">
Currently selected items values.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedValuesChanged" Type="EventCallback<List<TValue>>">
Occurs after the selected values have changed.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedTexts" Type="List<string>">
Currently selected items texts.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectedTextsChanged" Type="EventCallback<List<string>>">
Occurs after the selected texts have changed.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="ItemContent" Type="RenderFragment<ItemContext<TItem,TValue>>">
Specifies the item content to be rendered inside each dropdown item.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="CloseOnSelection" Type="bool" Default="true">
Specifies whether Autocomplete's dropdown closes on selection. This is only evaluated when multiple selection is set.
Defauls to true.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="ReadData" Type="EventCallback<AutoCompleteReadDataEventArgs>">
Event handler used to load data manually by based on the current search value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SuggestSelectedItems" Type="bool" Default="false">
Suggests already selected option(s) when presenting the options.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="ConfirmKey" Type="string[]" Default='new[] { "Enter", "NumpadEnter" }'>
Gets or sets an array of the keyboard pressed values for the ConfirmKey.
If this is null or empty, there will be no confirmation key.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="AutoPreSelect" Type="bool" Default="true">
Gets or sets whether Autocomplete auto preselects the first item when the drop down opens.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="AutoSelectFirstItem" Type="bool" Default="false">
Gets or sets whether Autocomplete auto preselects the first item from the data list on initialization. This overrides initial SelectedValue.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SelectionMode" Type="AutocompleteSelectionMode" Default="AutocompleteSelectionMode.Default">
Gets or sets the Autocomplete Selection Mode.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="HighlightSearch" Type="bool" Default="false">
If true, the searched text will be highlighted in the dropdown list items based on <Code>Search</Code> value.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchBackground" Type="Background" Default="null">
Defines the background color of the search field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchTextColor" Type="TextColor" Default="null">
Defines the text color of the search field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchClass" Type="string" Default="null">
Defines the class for the search field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchStyle" Type="string" Default="null">
Defines the style for the search field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Closed" Type="EventCallback<AutocompleteClosedEventArgs>">
Event handler used to detect when the autocomplete is closed.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Opened" Type="EventCallback">
Event handler used to detect when the autocomplete is opened.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="FreeTypingNotFoundTemplate" Type="RenderFragment<string>">
Specifies the not found content to be rendered when no data is found and FreeTyping is enabled.

<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<DocsAttributesItem Name="ScrollItemIntoView">
Scrolls an item into view.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Reload">
Triggers the reload of the Autocomplete data.
Makes sure not to reload if the Autocomplete is in a loading state.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="AddMultipleTextAndValue">
Adds a Multiple Selection.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="RemoveMultipleTextAndValue">
Removes a Multiple Selection.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Clear">
Clears the selected value and the search field.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="ResetSelected">
Clears the current selection.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="OpenDropdown">
Opens the Autocomplete Dropdown.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Close">
Closes the Autocomplete Dropdown.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="IsSelectedvalue">
Gets whether the TValue is selected.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="IsSelectedItem">
Gets whether the TItem is selected.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="GetItemByValue">
Gets a TItem from <Code>Data</Code> by using the provided ValueField.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="GetItemByText">
Gets a TItem from <Code>Data</Code> by using the provided TextField.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="IsSafeToClose">
IsSafeToClose is deprecated. This API now always returns true.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="MaxEntryLength">
Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the input element.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Virtualize" Type="bool" Default="false">
Gets or sets whether the Autocomplete will use the <Code>Virtualize</Code> functionality.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="TagTemplate" Type="RenderFragment<AutocompleteTagContext<TItem, TValue>>">
Specifies the badge content to be rendered for each tag (multiple selected item).
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchTextChanged" Type="EventCallback<string>">
Occurs after the search box text has changed.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchKeyDown" Type="EventCallback<KeyboardEventArgs>">
Occurs when a key is pressed down while the search box has focus.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchFocus" Type="EventCallback<FocusEventArgs>">
Occurs when the search box gains or loses focus.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="SearchBlur" Type="EventCallback<FocusEventArgs>">
The blur event fires when the search box has lost focus.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="PositionStrategy" Type="DropdownPositionStrategy" Default="Fixed">
Defines the positioning strategy of the dropdown menu as a 'floating' element.
<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(Autocomplete<,>)]" />
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Expand Up @@ -102,43 +102,6 @@

<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(Captcha)]" />


<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<DocsAttributesItem Name="State" Type="CaptchaState">
The current state of the Captcha.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Solved" Type="EventCallback<CaptchaState>">
A Captcha solved event. Provides contextual information about the Captcha state after the user has solved.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Validate" Type="Func<CaptchaState, Task<bool>>">
A Captcha validation event. Further validation may be performed here.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Expired" Type="EventCallback">
The Captcha expired event.

<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<DocsMethodsItem Name="Submit" ReturnType="Task">
Submits the Captcha.
<DocsMethodsItem Name="Reset" ReturnType="Task">
Resets the Captcha.

<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -116,40 +116,9 @@
<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(Chart<>)]" />


<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<DocsAttributesItem Name="Type" Type="ChartType" Default="Line">
Defines the chart type.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Data" Type="ChartData">
Defines the chart data.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Options" Type="ChartOptions">
Defines the chart options.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="DataJsonString" Type="string" Default="null">
Defines the chart data that is serialized as JSON string. [WILL BE REMOVED]
<DocsAttributesItem Name="OptionsJsonString" Type="string" Default="null">
Defines the chart options that is serialized as JSON string. [WILL BE REMOVED]
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Clicked" Type="EventCallback<ChartMouseEventArgs>">
Raised when clicked on data point.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Hovered" Type="EventCallback<ChartMouseEventArgs>">
Raised when hovered over data point.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="MouseOut" Type="EventCallback<ChartMouseEventArgs>">
Raised when mouse leaves the chart area.

<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,7 +180,7 @@

<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

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Expand Up @@ -81,21 +81,4 @@
<DocsPageSectionSource Code="ChartDataLabelsScriptableExample" />

<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(ChartDataLabels<>)]" />


<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<DocsAttributesItem Name="Datasets" Type="List<ChartDataLabelsDataset>" Default="null">
List of datalabels to apply to the parent chart.
<DocsAttributesItem Name="Options" Type="ChartDataLabelsOptions" Default="null">
Datalabels that will be set to the options instead of to the datasets.
<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(ChartDataLabels<>)]" />
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Expand Up @@ -58,31 +58,4 @@
<DocsPageSectionSource Code="ChartStreamingPauseExample" />

<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(ChartStreaming<>)]" />


<Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is3">

<TableHeader ThemeContrast="ThemeContrast.Light">
<TableRowCell>Pauses the current chart streaming.</TableRowCell>
<TableRowCell>Plays the current chart streaming.</TableRowCell>
<ComponentApiDocs ComponentTypes="[typeof(ChartStreaming<>)]" />

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