An improved Yubikey cracker incorporating fixes from other repos
Works on MacOS and Linux, possibly windows too
Download yubico-c and build/install using their instructions:
Now use 'make' to build
run with: ./yubicrack ./yubicrack -y # -y to skip start message ./yubicrack -y 000000000000 # replace zeros with place to start/resume (printed every 50 attempts)
Cracking sucks, its slow and hard but since the yubikey library isnt optomized for cracking you can dramatically increase speed by running the binary multiple times with the resume set to differnt values. example: Terminal 0 ./yubicrack -y 000000000000 Terminal 1 ./yubicrack -y 100000000000 Terminal 2 ./yubicrack -y 200000000000 Terminal 3 ./yubicrack -y 300000000000
I seem to be able to run about 15 sessions at a time on a macbook
In the future i may wright a script to manage how many instances and increase until it impacts the speed of others to get the most out of the USB