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Todo App with Weather Feature

A Todo App built with React.js that helps you manage your tasks efficiently. The app also features a sleek Weather Card, providing current weather details with an interactive UI.

🚀 Features

  • Task Management:

    • Add, edit, complete, and delete tasks.
    • Tasks are stored in localStorage to persist across sessions.
  • Weather Card:

    • Displays current weather details in a modal view.
    • Opens with a darkened and blurred background effect.
  • Responsive Design:

    • Optimized for various screen sizes.
  • Interactive UI:

    • Smooth hover effects and transitions for enhanced user experience.

🌐 Deployed Link

Check out the deployed application: Todo App with Weather Feature

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • State Management: React useState, useEffect, Context API
  • Icons: Custom SVG assets for weather and interactions

🎨 UI Components

Todo Management

  • Add Task Form: A simple input form for adding new tasks.
  • Task List: Dynamic list of tasks with completion and deletion options.

Weather Card

  • Weather Details: Displays current weather conditions in a clean, compact card.
  • Modal Overlay: Appears over the main page with a blur and dark background.

🖥️ How to Run Locally

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd todo-weather-app
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Start the development server:
    npm run dev

🌟 Future Improvements

  • Weather API Integration: Fetch real-time weather data using an API like OpenWeatherMap.
  • User Authentication: Add sign-in functionality to personalize user experience.
  • Categorization: Allow categorization or tagging of tasks.
  • Drag & Drop: Implement drag-and-drop for task reordering.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

🙌 Acknowledgments

  • Thanks to React and Tailwind CSS for enabling rapid development.
  • Inspired by productivity tools and weather apps.