ABYSS • RUSH is my first project with some *decent* effort put into it. It's a retro style shoot 'em up game, with over 250 areas to traverse throughout the first five worlds. Each chapter has a new character to play as, with altered movement and a new type of ammunition. The objective of the game is quite simple: Collect the zeroes.
Why zeroes, you ask? Let's back up a bit. A group of legendary adventurers named Team Impossible have gotten themselves (and posibly the whole world) into a pickle. You see, they touched a relic dropped by god himself that opens the gateway between his new world and his old world. Between the two worlds is a hellsh alternate reality dubbed Paraslixox. When Team Impossible gets lost in this world, it's up to each member of the crew to reach the center of Paraslixox to reunite - by following the zeroes of guidance.
Zeroes are cool thingamagigs that take you to the center of the world, serving as Team Impossible's navigator. Each member of the team must follow the zeroes while fending for themselves against blocks, circles, maybe even a tree perhaps.
Can you make it through the dimension and seal the gateway to Paraslixox? Good luck. Try this feat at https://maymay39.itch.io/abyssrush.