Modern HTTP file directory made with Next.js and MUI. Heavily inspired by h5ai. Utilizes SSR, i18n and "prefers-color-scheme"
Easiest way to use Nextfile is to use prepared Docker containers available at both and Docker Hub. Run below command with appropriate arguments to get started:
docker run -d \
--name=<container name> \
-p <host port>:3000/tcp \
-v <your file directory>:/app/files:ro \
If you prefer to run locally and/or made some changes to the source code build project with:
yarn build
and run with:
yarn start
If you still want to use app in containerized environment build new image with:
docker build -t <your app name> .
At the moment there's only two translations: english and polish. Feel free to send a pull request with translation for your language.