This is gaining momentum
Currently Completed, and what to expect soon:
- CLI: Under revision
- Crypto/Keys: Completed.
- Crypto/Address: Under revision, adding ed25519 signature commands, also DB, adding errors
- Transactions: Under revision, adding DB commands
- Smart Contract Language: Started, not finished as of yet
- Mempool/Txpool Protocol: Research and Development phase, may ignore and use hash of db
- UTXO/Trie Protocol: Research and Development phase, under address struct, coming soon
- Blocks: Under revision, adding errors
- PoW Function: Currently testing
- Block propagation: Not implemented, no P2P yet
- Blockchain: Completed, mild revisions left
- Consensus Protocol: Research and Development of pure GHOST
- Network: Not implimented
- PoS release? - Research and Development phase
Use the makefile, makes the program work, will snap off packages by v0.0.10 if not sooner
Dependancies Golang 1.16+, Java latest.
To create type make... creates ./mfc
To destroy type make clean (deletes database as well)
./mfc is the binary
blockchain.db is the database
MFCKeys.json are your keys
MFCAddress.json is your address
Current upload is not clean of those files (using test keys still)