A simple program that is intended to work together with the microcontroler ESP32, WiFi Sniffer. ESP32 network-interface that can process data in serial communication. Data is then filtered and parsed data is stored onto the PC as a CSV and Excel file. When it's finished sorting data, the program calculates all MAC Addresses and gives a estimated number of how many unique devices are nearby.
- main.py = initialize whole program
- DataToCSV.py = Analyzing and parsing data from serial
- DataCalculation.py = Read, calculate and count how many devices nearby
- device_count.txt = Is the calculated data from 'DataCalculation.py'
- data100.csv = Is the sorted data that's saved into a CSV file
- data.csv = Is the sorted data that's saved into a CSV file
- data.xlxs = Is the sorted data that's saved into a Excel file.
In order for this program to work and to fully function, it's required to have the following:
- IDE: Arduino(c++) and PyCharm(Python)
- Libraries: serial, csv, datetime, pandas
- Product: ESP32 (USB-connected to the PC)
- Excel (to check if the stored data is sorted and placed in correctly)
The Arduino coding part is taken from :