A Translator that uses google API to translate inside the terminal.
Using scoop you can add the Bucket https://github.com/Maupse/SlimeBucket
> scoop bucket add SlimeBucket "https://github.com/maupse/SlimeBucket"
Then just run
> scoop install elixir-terminal-translator
> tl --help
--in, -i <ISO-639-two-letter-language-code> sets the input language for the translator
Example: -i en for english
--out, -o <ISO-639-two-letter-language-code> sets the output language for the translator
Example: -o de for german
--version, -v Boolean flag, prints out the version of the program
--path, -p <path/to/out_dir> The directory where the translated file goes, will be named <file_name>_<Iso-639-letters>
--help, -h Boolean flag, explains every option and argument given, if there are no arguments explains everything
--translator, -t google | deepl sets the translator you want to translate with
--set-api-key, -s <API-KEY>, sets API key for the current translator
Fast syntax is: tl :<out-code> :<in-code> flags text (if there is one it will be counted as out)
You can set flags with --this-is-a-flag <argument> (no arguments for boolean flags)
Flags have to come before the text, only the head gets parsed