Keras2ncnn Release v0.1.1
Feature Highlights
- Keras h5df to ncnn param/bin file converter
- Support a variety of models, sequential or not, TF1 or TF2 !
- New weight indexing method, better model compatibility !
- Emended debugger for comparing accuracy with ncnn. (Working on)
Supported Op
- InputLayer
- Conv2D (With fused relu, sigmoid activation)
- Conv2DTranspose (With fused relu, sigmoid activation)
- DepthwiseConv2D
- Add
- Multiply
- ZeroPadding2D
- ReLU
- LeakyReLU
- UpSampling2D
- Concatenate
- GlobalAveragePooling2D
- MaxAveragePooling2D
- AveragePooling2D
- MaxPooling2D
- BatchNormalization
- Dense (With fused relu, sigmoid, and non-fused softmax activation)
- Activation (Support relu, sigmoid)