Nodejs library to print with cat-shaped or other thermal printers that use this protocol over bluetooth
based on NaitLee/kitty-printer implementation ive made this repo for more general pourpose
clone this repo, then
cd ./meowprinter
npm install
async printImage('path_or_url')
print the image from the given path or url
async printText()
print the text after newText() has ben created
newText(fonts:? CustomFonts[])
create new textarea to print optionally can be loades some customfonts
addText(text: string, options: TextOptions)
add text to the textarea with the given TextOptions
goes new line in the textarea
loadFont(font: CustomFonts)
load a custom font
async drawSeparator(optional? separator height)
draw a line optionalli can be specified the line deept
set the strength of the printing
set the printing speed
get the printer status
retract the paper by the given amount
feed the papaer by the given amount
disconnect from the ble device
import { CatPrinter } from "cat_device."
import { BluetoothAdapter } from "ble_adapter"
const adapter = new BluetoothAdapter()
const isonprinter = new CatPrinter(await adapter.scan('MY_MAC_ADDRESS', 30000))
const printer = new CatPrinter(adapter)
await printer.printImage('./assets/catprinter.jpg')
printer.addText('Hello, World', {font: '', font_size: 24, bold: true, alignment: 'center' })
await printer.printText()
await printer.disconnect()