This project has been continued by DevSplash on this repo:
Send and listen messages through WhatsApp from a Java Program.
This is done thanks to Yowsup:
This works as is today but it hasn't been tested deeply, I just shared it because it may be helpful for someone.
# Steps
Register your phone number in yowsup, follow these instructions.
Fill the fields in yowsup/yowsup-cli.config
The Whatsapp folder is a Netbeans Maven project that contains a package with all the necessary. It also has a demo to show how it works.
package com.nqysit.whatsapp; import java.util.ArrayList; public class EchoDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws ClientIsNotInit { boolean run = true; Client.init("/usr/bin/python", "JavaWhatsApp/yowsup/"); while (run) { Client.ListenIncomingMessages(); ArrayList<Contact> unreaden = Client.getUnseenContacts(); if (!unreaden.isEmpty()) { for (Contact ur : unreaden) { String from = ur.getNumber(); String text = ur.getUnseenMessage(); System.out.println(from + "-" + text); if (text.equals("stop")) { Client.killit(); run = false; break; } Client.sendMessage(from, text); } } else { System.out.println("There are not new messages"); } } } }