Evaluation of different deployment strategies for larviciding to control malaria – a simulation study
In this study the impact of larviciding applications was simulated to assess the influence of different deployment strategies on expected entomological outcomes and malaria infections in human for different seasonality and transmission settings.
Simulations were run using OpenMalaria, a modelling software for simulating malaria epidemiology and impacts of interventions, developed at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.
This repository provides the simulation input and simulation output anlysis code and for more information about using OpenMalaria, please visit the website under https://github.com/SwissTPH/openmalaria/wiki. Processed simulation datasets used for analyis are stored on Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5033187.
Runge, M., Mapua, S., Nambunga, I., Smith, T.A., Chitnis, N., Okumu, F., Pothin, E., 2021. Evaluation of different deployment strategies for larviciding to control malaria: a simulation study. Malaria Journal 20, 324. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-021-03854-4