Gradle is the open source build system of choice for Java, Android, and Kotlin developers.
Follow these steps to install Gradle or use the sdkMAN command
sdk install gradle
I used this video and this GitHub repository as a tutorial on how to implement user login and registration.
- Spring Web to enable web application development
- Spring Data JPA aka Java Persistence API, to simplify database interactions using JPA
- MySQL Driver which is needed to connect the project to a MySQL database.
I used this video to initialize the API for my User-class, and I checked that it worked with the Postman API platform. I also used this video series as a guide.
- Node.js, a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment
- Node Version Manager (nvm), to manage node.js versions
- MySQL as a database (I have two listed, so I might have to look into that later)
I used this video series and this gitHub repository to create the Poll-class and connect my user- and polls-class to the MySQL database.
There is definitely some bugs in my implementation of the Poll- and VoteOption-classes, but I am working on them. As of now, I can POST, GET, GET by id, and DELETE polls, but I am still figuring out how to implement PUT so that I can update the polls.
I used the video series REACT JS TUTORIAL (click on 'From the series' on the top right-hand side to view all videoes in the series), more specifically this video to implement single-page rendering in the front-end part for my project.