New deployment of the SCIL toolset using NLP tools from Python
The Socio-cultural Content in Language (SCIL) toolset intents to explore and develop novel designs, algorithms, methods, techniques and technologies to extend the discovery of the social goals of members of a group by correlating these goals with the language they use. (description via IARPA)
The following are instructions on how to install pySCIL from PyPI.
Type the following in your terminal. Make sure you are using Python 3.6+
pip install pySCIL
Include the above imports at the top of your program file
import json
from scil import scil
To begin analyzing a dialogue type the following code
with open("pathtojson.json") as f:
obj = scil.SCIL(f)
Make sure that your json file is formatted properly. An example can be seen in the jsontemplate.json
You can also use the NLTK Part of Speech tagger. It has noticeably less accuracy but is also a lot faster.
To use it you can use obj.preprocessNLTK()
From here, you can now start to call functions to do analysis on the data. See below functions section for more details. As an example.
Each service has a main function that gathers data from all sub-functions and creates a combined metric. These sub-functions can also be called individually. Below are all the callable functions outlined along with what sort of data they require to be present in the provided json file.
- TopicControlFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1,1,1]
- LocalTopicIntroduction()
- SubsequentMentionsLocalTopics()
- CiteScore()
- TurnLength()
- TaskControlFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1,1]
- DirectiveIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- ProcessManagementIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" metaTags
- ProcessManagementSuccessIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags and metaTags
- requires "link_to"
- ArgumentDiversityFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- VocabularyRangeIndex()
- VocabularyIntroductionMeasure()
- TopicalPositioningFunctions()
- TopicalPolarityIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- requires "polarity"
- requires "turn_no"
- requies "link_to"
- PolarityStrengthIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- requires "polarity"
- requires "turn_no"
- requies "link_to"
- TopicalPolarityIndex()
- AgreementFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- AgreeAcceptIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- TopicalAgreementIndex()
- requires "topic"
- requires "polarity"
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- DisagreementFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- DisagreeRejectIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- TopicalDisagreementIndex
- requires "topic"
- requires "polarity"
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- EmotiveLanguageUseFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1]
- this service currently only has one sub-function
- EmotiveWordIndex()
- SocialPositioningFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- OfferCommitIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- ConfirmationRequestIndex()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- SociabilityFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1,1,1]
- ConversationalNormsMeasure()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- requires "link_to"
- requires "comm_act_type"
- AgreementDisagreementMeasure()
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- NetworkDensityIndex()
- requires "comm_act_tag"
- CiteDisparityIndex()
- requires "link_to"
- InvolvementFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1,1,1,1]
- NounPhraseIndex()
- TurnIndex()
- TopicChainIndex(gapSizeCutoff, mentionPercentageFloor)
- a new topic will be created if last mention was more than gapSizeCutoff turns ago (defaults to 10)
- only topics with at least mentionPercentageFloor of mentions will be included as top topics (defaults to 0.05 as in 5%)
- requires "turn_no"
- AllSubsequentMentions()
- AllotopicalityIndex()
- NetworkCentralityFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- CommunicationLinksMeasure
- requires "link-to"
- MesoTopicIntroduction()
- TaskFocusFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- MesoTopicStructureMeasure()
- MesoTopicGappingMeasure()
- TensionFocusFunctions(weights)
- weights are optional and default to [1,1]
- DisagreeRejectTargetIndex()
- requires "link_to"
- requires "dialog_act" tags
- TopicalDisagreementTargetIndex()
- requires "link_to"
- requires "topic"
- requires "polarity"
- Leadership(topicControlScores, taskControlScores, involvementScores, disagreementScores, weights)
- weights are optional and default to [0.45,0.4,0.05,0.1]
- all scores are the output of the Functions() functions
- Influencer(argumentDiversityScores, networkCentralityScores, topicControlScores, disagreementScores, weights)
- weights are optional and default to [0.4,0.5,0.75,0.15]
- PursuitOfPower(topicControlScores, disagreementScores, tensionFocusScores, networkCentralityScores, weights)
- weights are optional and default to [0.8,0.09,0.02,0.09]
- GroupCohesion(topicControlScores, taskControlScores, involvementScores, agreementScores, disagreementScores, sociabilityScores, taskFocusScores, sociabilityThreshold, taskFocusTreshold, prmMesoTopicFloor, prmDialogueFloor, prmThreshold, prmWeights, dpmThreshold)
- sociabilityThreshold defaults to 0.68. If sociability is at least threshold, add 0.25 to GroupCohesion
- taskFocusThreshold defaults to 0.32. If taskFocus is at least threshold, add 0.25 to GroupCohesion
- prmMesoTopicFloor defaults to 3. PRM ignores conversations with less than 3 meso topics (unless it has more than 150 utterances)
- prmDialogueFloor defaults to 150. PRM ignores conversations with less than 150 utterances (unless it has at least 3 meso topics)
- prmThreshold defaults to 0.75. If PRM is at least threshold, add 0.25 to GroupCohesion
- prmWeights is optional and defaults to [1,0.9,0.3,0.7,0.7]. The weights are for topicControl, taskControl, involvement, agreement, disagreement
- dpmThreshold defaults to 0.69. If DPM is at least threshold, add 0.25 to GroupCohesion
Attempts by a discourse participant or participants to impose the topic of conversation.
The effort by one or more members of a group to define the group's project goal and/or steer the group towards it.
Displayed by speakers who deploy a broader range of arguments in conversation.
The attitude a speaker has on main the topics (meso-topics) of discussion.
Signaled when discourse participants make explicit, unqualified utterances of agreement, approval, or acceptance in response to a prior speaker's utterance.
Signaled when discourse participants make explicit, utterances of disagreement, disapproval, or rejection in response to a prior speaker's utterance.
Defined as a degree to which speakers attempt to influence readers or listeners by appealing to their emotions.
Defined as a degree to which the speaker attempts to position oneself as central in the group by committing to some future activity and by getting others to confirm or re-affirm what the speaker stated or committed to, as well as what the speaker already believes.
Defined as a degree of socio-emotional involvement between speakers, including observance of group conversational norms.
Defined as a degree of engagement or participation in the discussion of a group.
Defined as the degree to which a speaker is someone to whom others direct their comments and/or whose topics they cite.
Defined as a degree to which speakers remain engaged in a group task.
Defined as the degree to which a speaker is someone at whome others direct their disagreement, or with whose topics they disagree the most.