Create a quiz program that will take questions, option and answer from admin user and save it to the question bank. Then if any user want to give the quiz, random 5 questions will be shown to the user from the question bank.
- Jdk
- Intellij Idea
- Selenium
- gradle
- json
Add Quiz
Start Quiz
if user select option 1, then system will tell user to input a question, 4 options and correct ans to save data in a quiz bank. The quiz bank will be a json file. For an example,
System>Please add a ques here:
User>Which testing is done by developer?
System>Input options.
Option a:
User> Unit Testing
Option b:
User> Integration Testing
Option c:
User> Sanity Testing
Option d:
User> Regression Testing
System> Please input the correct ans
User> a
System: Quiz saved at the database. Do you want to add more? (y/n)
if user press y, then the previous scenario will happen again otherwise the program will be closed.
If user select option 2, then,
System> You will be asked 5 questions, each questions has 1 marks
- Which testing is done by developer?
a. Unit Testing
b. Integration Testing
c. Sanity Testing
d. Regression Testing
User> a
System> Correct!
else not correct,
System: Not correct
Finally 5 different random questions will appear from your question database. At least add 15 questions from any category from testing.
Result: You got [correct_marks] out of 5
JSON Format:
"Question":"Which testing is done by developer?",
"option a":"Unit Testing",
"Option b":"Integration Testing",
"Sanity Testing":"Sanity Testing",
"Option d":"Regression Testing",
"Question":"Which is functional testing?",
"option a":"Load Testing",
"Option b":"Security Testing",
"Sanity Testing":"Gorilla Testing",
"Option d":"Benchmark Testing",
In the following, there is a video link where showen how to execute this quiz project.