I'm Mikołaj Kuranowski, currently doing a Comp Sci student at (both) Warsaw University of Technology and Kyungpook National University. I do a lot of work realted to open transportation data.
Here are some fancy stats:
- TokyoGTFS
- HokkaidoRailGTFS
- WarsawGTFS
- PolRegioGTFS
- PKPIntercityGTFS
- TristarGTFS (Gdańsk/Gdynia/Sopot)
- RzeszowGTFS
- RadomGTFS
- PLRailMap - map of all rail stations used by Polish operators
- Impuls - Python+Zig library for transit data processing
- aiocsv - Python library for async csv processing
- jvig - GTFS viewer
- pyroutelib3 - Python library for routing over OSM data
- table2md - Python library for printing tabular data in Markdown
- sgrp - JavaScript library for convering ANSI color codes to HTML
- C-2DMatrix - C STB-style library with a basic implementation of a 2D matrix
- asmjson - JSON parser written in assembly (x86-64 nasm)
- Advent of Code 2019 - in Go
- Advent of Code 2020 - in Clojure & Python
- Advent of Code 2021 - in Python
- Advent of Code 2022 - in TypeScript
- Advent of Code 2023 - in Rust
- Advent of Code 2024 - in Julia
- Project Euler