A decision-making aid for sportive bets, which uses Machine Learning and Statistics to help you get the best out of your bets.
Run: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f development.yml up -d
Run: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml up -d
Initialisation :
- Jenkins server at plp_jenkins.IPAddress on port 8080
- Connect to Jenkins server with initial admin password in plp_jenkins:/var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
- Install recommended plugins (pipeline plugin necessary)
Create two items :
Odds :
- Build triggers
- Build Periodically :
H * * * *
(every hour)
- Build Periodically :
- Pipeline
- Definition :
Pipeline Scipt from SCM
- SCM :
- Repository URL :
- Branches to build : select adequate branch
- Script Path :
- Definition :
- Build triggers
ML :
- Build triggers
- Build Periodically :
H 2 1,8,15,22,28 * *
(once a week at 2 am)
- Build Periodically :
- Pipeline
- Definition :
Pipeline Scipt from SCM
- SCM :
- Repository URL :
- Branches to build : select adequate branch
- Script Path :
- Definition :
- Build triggers