👽 Hi, I’m M-CAP7AIN
💻 Software Engineer [C# .Net (Core, Framework), Winform, WPF]
- {EmguCV ,OpenCV, Aforge, Accord, MathNet, Intel RealSense, HelixToolkit, LiveCharts, ScottPlot, MaterialDesign, MVVM, MultiTasking, Socket, Serial}
🌐 Back-End [ASP .Net Core, Python]
- {Web API, EF, MediatR, AutoMapper, Clean Architecture, CQRS, JWT, Validation, GIT}
- {Apache, IIS, phpMyAdmin, cPanel, DirectAdmin, plesk, VPS, JSON, WebSocket, EntityFramework, Relationships}
📙 Work with type of Databases
- {MySQL, SQL, Sqlite, mdb}
🤖 AVR and Arduino programmer, working with various modules and sensors
- {Bluetooth, WiFi, Gas, Raspberry Pi, HC05, ESP82, NodeMCU, IMU, TCP/UDP, Serial, ...}
🦄 Working with [Intel RealSense SR300, D435]
🚀 Linux System Administrator
- {Ubuntu, CentOS, KaliLinux}
🌏 Familiar Network and Window server Active Directory {DNS, DHCP, GP,...}, CEH, VMware, Docker
🍹 Familiar with the concepts of Design Pattern and SOLID.
🔥 Interested in learning...