- Manually install git, zsh, tmux etc.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install zsh git vim tmux wget -y
- Run bash file install.sh to copy the files into the right places and install relevant packages (PLEASE RUN THE SCRIPT IN THE DIRECTORY THAT HOLDS IT).
- List of configurations:
- .vimrc
- .bashrc
- .zshrc
- .npmrc
- .gitconfig
- .pip/pip.conf
- .vim/colors/Tomorrow-Night.vim
- .vim/after/ftplugin/*.vim (setting for different filetypes)
- .vim/after/UltiSnips/*.snippets (snippets for UltiSnips)
- .condarc
- .tmux.conf (general settings, mostly taken from gpakosz/.tmux)
- .tmux.conf.local (local settings)
- List of packages to install: