This solver solves the Poisson equation on a cubical domain,
with, for this problem, a boundary defined by
and boundary conditions
The purpose of the solver is to compare performance across different parallelization methods and includes parallel methods for:
- CPU (parallel)
- Single-GPU via OpenMP
- Dual-GPU via OpenMP
- Single-GPU via CUDA
- Dual-GPU via CUDA
- Four-GPU (two nodes, each with two GPUs), via CUDA, OpenMPI, and NCCL
A full writeup is available in the report.
The project is compiled with the mpic++
compiler, an OpenMPI C++ wrapper compiler. The underlying compiler is set to nvc++
, NVIDIA's compiler for their GPUS. This can be done by setting the environment variable OMPI_CXX
to nvc++
export OMPI_CXX=nvc++
Other requirements include:
- OpenMPI
- OpenMP
The driver executable can be called as follows
./poisson_solver N K T_0 output_type method [file_suffix] [threads]
: Problem size. For single-GPU solvers, this needs to be a multiple of 16. For the dual-GPU CUDA solver, this needs to be a multiple of 32.
: Number of iterations.
: Starting temeprature of inner points on the domain, in Kelvin.
= No output1
= Performance metrics printed as [N] [wall time] [data transfer time (s)] [memory (MB)] [bandwidth (data transfer, GB/s)] [bandwidth (no data transfer, GB/s)] [time spent in kernel (s, not always measured)] [bandwidth based on kernel time (s, not always measured)]3
= Write binary dump (.bin)4
= Write .vtk file
= CPU parallel solver. Number of threads can be specified with thethreads
= Single-GPU solver using OpenMP3
= Dual-GPU solver using OpenMP4
= Single-GPU solver using CUDA5
= Single-GPU solver using CUDA, improved memory access patterns6
= Dual-GPU solver using CUDA7
= Four-GPU solver using CUDA+NCCL+MPI. This solver assumes each available node has two GPUs.
: Suffix to add to .vtk file
: Threads for CPU versions