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Development Environment Setup

Luis David Licea Torres edited this page May 5, 2022 · 14 revisions

Development Environment Setup

Cloning Repo

The easiest way to start development is to clone the repo:

git clone

This will create the nifti folder in the current folder.

Required Software

The website will be built using the following software:

  • Python
  • Django

Python Setup

Python version 3.8 or higher will be necessary for working with Django 4.0.2.

Check the currently installed version by running this on Windows:

Explanation Steps
Get version python --version

Django Setup

Before installing Django, it is necessary to setup a virtual environment. The virtual environment will prevent conflicts between packages.

Virtual Environment

Explanation Steps
Go to the Nifti project folder cd nifti
Install virtual environment pip install virtualenv
Create environment virtualenv -p python env
Activate virtual environment env\Scripts\activate.bat
Test if the env is clean pip freeze
Install Django version 4.0.2 pip install django==4.0.2
Install Rich Text Ed. v6.2.0 pip install django-ckeditor==6.2.0
Install Crispy forms pip install Pillow==9.0.1
Install Pillow image manager pip install django-crispy-forms==1.14.0
Calculate distance b/w coordinates pip install haversine
Get address coordinates pip install geopy
Install numpy for sorting lists pip install numpy
Install for login lockout of users pip install django-axes
Deactivate virtual environment deactivate