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LorenzoLuccioli committed Aug 29, 2024
1 parent 4dd53ed commit aa32fcb
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Showing 13 changed files with 152 additions and 174 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions TestingLowerBounds/Divergences/Hellinger.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ lemma integrable_hellingerDiv_iff' (ha_pos : 0 < a) (ha_ne_one : a ≠ 1)
<| <| sub_ne_zero_of_ne ha_ne_one)]
obtain ⟨C, ⟨hC_finite, hC⟩⟩ := IsFiniteKernel.exists_univ_le (κ := η)
refine integrable_add_iff_integrable_left <| (integrable_const C.toReal).mono' ?_ ?_
· exact Kernel.measurable_coe η .univ |>.ennreal_toReal.neg.aestronglyMeasurable
· exact η.measurable_coe .univ |>.ennreal_toReal.neg.aestronglyMeasurable
refine eventually_of_forall (fun x ↦ ?_)
rw [norm_eq_abs, abs_neg, abs_eq_self.mpr ENNReal.toReal_nonneg, ENNReal.toReal_le_toReal
(measure_ne_top _ _) ( hC_finite)]
Expand All @@ -819,18 +819,18 @@ lemma integrable_hellingerDiv_zero [CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β]
obtain ⟨C, ⟨hC_finite, hC⟩⟩ := IsFiniteKernel.exists_univ_le (κ := η)
simp only [EReal.toReal_coe_ennreal]
have h_eq : (fun x ↦ ((η x) {y | ((κ x).rnDeriv (η x) y).toReal = 0}).toReal) =
fun x ↦ ((η x) {y | (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η x y).toReal = 0}).toReal := by
fun x ↦ ((η x) {y | (κ.rnDeriv η x y).toReal = 0}).toReal := by
ext x
congr 1
apply measure_congr
filter_upwards [Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η x] with y hy
filter_upwards [κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η x] with y hy
simp only [Set.setOf_app_iff, eq_iff_iff, hy]
simp_rw [h_eq]
apply (integrable_const C.toReal).mono'
· apply Measurable.aestronglyMeasurable
apply Measurable.ennreal_toReal
exact Kernel.measurable_kernel_prod_mk_left
(measurableSet_eq_fun (Kernel.measurable_rnDeriv _ _).ennreal_toReal measurable_const)
(measurableSet_eq_fun (κ.measurable_rnDeriv η).ennreal_toReal measurable_const)
· refine eventually_of_forall (fun x ↦ ?_)
simp only [norm_eq_abs, ENNReal.abs_toReal, ENNReal.toReal_le_toReal
(measure_ne_top _ _) ( hC_finite)]
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44 changes: 21 additions & 23 deletions TestingLowerBounds/Divergences/KullbackLeibler.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -447,22 +447,22 @@ lemma condKL_compProd_meas_eq_top [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ]
{ξ : Kernel α β} [IsSFiniteKernel ξ] {κ η : Kernel (α × β) γ}
[IsMarkovKernel κ] [IsMarkovKernel η] :
condKL κ η (μ ⊗ₘ ξ) = ⊤
↔ ¬ (∀ᵐ a ∂μ, condKL (Kernel.snd' κ a) (Kernel.snd' η a) (ξ a) ≠ ⊤)
∨ ¬ Integrable (fun x ↦ (condKL (Kernel.snd' κ x) (Kernel.snd' η x) (ξ x)).toReal) μ := by
↔ ¬ (∀ᵐ a ∂μ, condKL (κ.snd' a) (η.snd' a) (ξ a) ≠ ⊤)
∨ ¬ Integrable (fun x ↦ (condKL (κ.snd' x) (η.snd' x) (ξ x)).toReal) μ := by
rw [condKL_eq_top_iff]
have h_ae_eq (h_ae : ∀ᵐ a ∂μ, ∀ᵐ b ∂ξ a, κ (a, b) ≪ η (a, b))
(h_int : ∀ᵐ a ∂μ, ∀ᵐ b ∂ξ a, Integrable (llr (κ (a, b)) (η (a, b))) (κ (a, b))) :
(fun x ↦ (condKL (Kernel.snd' κ x) (Kernel.snd' η x) (ξ x)).toReal)
(fun x ↦ (condKL (κ.snd' x) (η.snd' x) (ξ x)).toReal)
=ᵐ[μ] fun a ↦ ∫ b, (kl (κ (a, b)) (η (a, b))).toReal ∂ξ a := by
filter_upwards [h_ae, h_int] with a ha_ae ha_int
rw [condKL_toReal_of_ae_ac_of_ae_integrable]
· simp only [Kernel.snd'_apply]
· filter_upwards [ha_ae] with b hb using Kernel.snd'_apply _ _ _ ▸ hb
· filter_upwards [ha_int] with b hb using Kernel.snd'_apply _ _ _ ▸ hb
· filter_upwards [ha_ae] with b hb using κ.snd'_apply _ _ ▸ hb
· filter_upwards [ha_int] with b hb using κ.snd'_apply _ _ ▸ hb
· by_cases h_ae : ∀ᵐ x ∂(μ ⊗ₘ ξ), κ x ≪ η x
· rw [Measure.ae_compProd_iff (Kernel.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _ _)] at h_ae
· rw [Measure.ae_compProd_iff (κ.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _)] at h_ae
simp_rw [condKL_ne_top_iff, Kernel.snd'_apply, eventually_and, not_and_or]
intro; left; left
exact h_ae
Expand All @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ lemma condKL_compProd_meas_eq_top [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ]
simp only [condKL_ne_top_iff, Kernel.snd'_apply] at ha_int2
exact ha_int2.2.2
rw [Measure.ae_compProd_iff (Kernel.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _ _)] at h_ae
rw [Measure.ae_compProd_iff (κ.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _)] at h_ae
swap; exact fun a ↦ ∫ b, (kl (κ (a, b)) (η (a, b))).toReal ∂(ξ a)
Expand All @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ lemma condKL_compProd_meas_eq_top [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ]
contrapose! h
obtain ⟨h_ae, ⟨h_int1, h_int2⟩⟩ := h
rw [ae_compProd_integrable_llr_iff h_ae] at h_int1
rw [Measure.ae_compProd_iff (Kernel.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _ _)] at h_ae
rw [Measure.ae_compProd_iff (κ.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _)] at h_ae
have h_meas := (Integrable.integral_compProd' h_int2).aestronglyMeasurable
rw [Measure.integrable_compProd_iff h_int2.aestronglyMeasurable] at h_int2
Expand All @@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ lemma condKL_compProd_meas_eq_top [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ]
lemma condKL_compProd_meas [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ] [SFinite μ] {ξ : Kernel α β}
[IsSFiniteKernel ξ] {κ η : Kernel (α × β) γ} [IsMarkovKernel κ] [IsMarkovKernel η]
(h : condKL κ η (μ ⊗ₘ ξ) ≠ ⊤) :
condKL κ η (μ ⊗ₘ ξ) = ∫ x, (condKL (Kernel.snd' κ x) (Kernel.snd' η x) (ξ x)).toReal ∂μ := by
condKL κ η (μ ⊗ₘ ξ) = ∫ x, (condKL (κ.snd' x) (η.snd' x) (ξ x)).toReal ∂μ := by
rw [condKL_ne_top_iff'.mp h, Measure.integral_compProd ( h).2.2]
replace h := h
push_neg at h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -571,29 +571,28 @@ lemma kl_compProd [CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β] [IsMarkovKernel κ] [IsM
condKL_ne_bot, condKL_of_not_integrable', EReal.add_top_of_ne_bot, kl_ne_bot,
have intμν := integrable_llr_of_integrable_llr_compProd h_prod h_int
have intκη : Integrable (fun a ↦ ∫ (x : β), log (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η a x).toReal ∂κ a) μ := by
have intκη : Integrable (fun a ↦ ∫ (x : β), log (κ.rnDeriv η a x).toReal ∂κ a) μ := by
apply Integrable.congr (integrable_integral_llr_of_integrable_llr_compProd h_prod h_int)
filter_upwards [hκη] with a ha
apply integral_congr_ae
filter_upwards [ha.ae_le (Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η a)] with x hx
filter_upwards [ha.ae_le (κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η a)] with x hx
rw [hx, llr_def]
have intκη2 := ae_integrable_llr_of_integrable_llr_compProd h_prod h_int
calc kl (μ ⊗ₘ κ) (ν ⊗ₘ η) = ∫ p, llr (μ ⊗ₘ κ) (ν ⊗ₘ η) p ∂(μ ⊗ₘ κ) :=
kl_of_ac_of_integrable h_prod h_int
_ = ∫ a, ∫ x, llr (μ ⊗ₘ κ) (ν ⊗ₘ η) (a, x) ∂κ a ∂μ := mod_cast Measure.integral_compProd h_int
_ = ∫ a, ∫ x, log (μ.rnDeriv ν a).toReal
+ log (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η a x).toReal ∂κ a ∂μ := by
_ = ∫ a, ∫ x, log (μ.rnDeriv ν a).toReal + log (κ.rnDeriv η a x).toReal ∂κ a ∂μ := by
have h := hμν.ae_le (Measure.ae_ae_of_ae_compProd (Kernel.rnDeriv_measure_compProd μ ν κ η))
apply Kernel.integral_congr_ae₂
filter_upwards [h, hκη, Measure.rnDeriv_toReal_pos hμν] with a ha hκηa hμν_pos
have hμν_zero : (μ.rnDeriv ν a).toReal ≠ 0 := by linarith
filter_upwards [Kernel.rnDeriv_toReal_pos hκηa, hκηa.ae_le ha] with x hκη_pos hx
have hκη_zero : (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η a x).toReal ≠ 0 := by linarith
have hκη_zero : (κ.rnDeriv η a x).toReal ≠ 0 := by linarith
rw [llr, hx, ENNReal.toReal_mul]
exact log_mul hμν_zero hκη_zero
_ = ∫ a, ∫ _, log (μ.rnDeriv ν a).toReal ∂κ a ∂μ
+ ∫ a, ∫ x, log (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η a x).toReal ∂κ a ∂μ := by
+ ∫ a, ∫ x, log (κ.rnDeriv η a x).toReal ∂κ a ∂μ := by
rw [← integral_add']
simp only [Pi.add_apply]
Expand All @@ -603,7 +602,7 @@ lemma kl_compProd [CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β] [IsMarkovKernel κ] [IsM
· exact intκη
apply integral_congr_ae
filter_upwards [hκη, intκη2] with a ha hκηa
have h := ha.ae_le (Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η a)
have h := ha.ae_le (κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η a)
rw [← integral_add']
· simp only [integrable_const]
Expand All @@ -619,7 +618,7 @@ lemma kl_compProd [CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β] [IsMarkovKernel κ] [IsM
congr 2
apply Kernel.integral_congr_ae₂
filter_upwards [hκη] with a ha
have h := ha.ae_le (Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η a)
have h := ha.ae_le (κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η a)
filter_upwards [h] with x hx
_ = kl μ ν + condKL κ η μ := by
Expand All @@ -630,7 +629,7 @@ lemma kl_compProd [CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β] [IsMarkovKernel κ] [IsM
simp_rw [llr_def]
apply Integrable.congr intκη
filter_upwards [hκη] with a ha
have h := ha.ae_le (Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η a)
have h := ha.ae_le (κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η a)
apply integral_congr_ae
filter_upwards [h] with x hx
rw [hx]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -672,13 +671,13 @@ lemma kl_compProd_kernel_of_ae_ac_of_ae_integrable [CountableOrCountablyGenerate
simp only [Kernel.absolutelyContinuous_compProd_iff, eventually_and] at h_ac
filter_upwards [h_ac.1, h_ac.2, h_ae_int.1, h_ae_int.2.1, h_ae_int.2.2] with a ha_ac₁ ha_ac₂
ha_int₁ ha_int_kl₂ ha_int₂
have h_snd_ne_top : condKL (Kernel.snd' κ₂ a) (Kernel.snd' η₂ a) (κ₁ a) ≠ ⊤ := by
have h_snd_ne_top : condKL (κ₂.snd' a) (η₂.snd' a) (κ₁ a) ≠ ⊤ := by
apply condKL_ne_top_iff.mpr
simp_rw [Kernel.snd'_apply]
exact ⟨ha_ac₂, ⟨ha_int₂, ha_int_kl₂⟩⟩
simp_rw [Kernel.compProd_apply_eq_compProd_snd', kl_compProd,
EReal.toReal_add (kl_ne_top_iff.mpr ⟨ha_ac₁, ha_int₁⟩) (kl_ne_bot (κ₁ a) (η₁ a)) h_snd_ne_top
(condKL_ne_bot (Kernel.snd' κ₂ a) (Kernel.snd' η₂ a) (κ₁ a)),
(condKL_ne_bot (κ₂.snd' a) (η₂.snd' a) (κ₁ a)),
condKL_ne_top_iff'.mp h_snd_ne_top, EReal.toReal_coe, Kernel.snd'_apply]

lemma condKL_compProd_kernel_eq_top [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ] {κ₁ η₁ : Kernel α β}
Expand All @@ -691,14 +690,13 @@ lemma condKL_compProd_kernel_eq_top [CountableOrCountablyGenerated (α × β) γ
simp only [condKL_isEmpty_left]
have := countableOrCountablyGenerated_right_of_prod_left_of_nonempty (α := α) (β := β) (γ := γ)
simp_rw [condKL_eq_top_iff,
Measure.ae_compProd_iff (Kernel.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _ _)]
simp_rw [condKL_eq_top_iff, Measure.ae_compProd_iff (κ₂.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _)]
by_cases h_ac : ∀ᵐ a ∂μ, (κ₁ ⊗ₖ κ₂) a ≪ (η₁ ⊗ₖ η₂) a
<;> have h_ac' := h_ac
<;> simp only [Kernel.absolutelyContinuous_compProd_iff, eventually_and, not_and_or] at h_ac'
<;> simp only [h_ac, h_ac', not_false_eq_true, true_or, not_true, true_iff, false_or]
swap; tauto
rw [← Measure.ae_compProd_iff (Kernel.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _ _)] at h_ac'
rw [← Measure.ae_compProd_iff (κ₂.measurableSet_absolutelyContinuous _)] at h_ac'
by_cases h_ae_int : ∀ᵐ a ∂μ, Integrable (llr ((κ₁ ⊗ₖ κ₂) a) ((η₁ ⊗ₖ η₂) a)) ((κ₁ ⊗ₖ κ₂) a)
<;> have h_ae_int' := h_ae_int
<;> simp only [eventually_congr (h_ac.mono (fun a h ↦ (Kernel.integrable_llr_compProd_iff' a h))),
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15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions TestingLowerBounds/FDiv/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -885,30 +885,30 @@ section Measurability

lemma measurableSet_integrable_f_kernel_rnDeriv [MeasurableSpace.CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β]
(κ η ξ : Kernel α β) [IsFiniteKernel ξ] (hf : StronglyMeasurable f) :
MeasurableSet {a | Integrable (fun x ↦ f (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η a x).toReal) (ξ a)} :=
MeasurableSet {a | Integrable (fun x ↦ f (κ.rnDeriv η a x).toReal) (ξ a)} :=
(hf.comp_measurable (Kernel.measurable_rnDeriv κ η).ennreal_toReal)
(hf.comp_measurable (κ.measurable_rnDeriv η).ennreal_toReal)

lemma measurableSet_integrable_f_rnDeriv [MeasurableSpace.CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β]
(κ η : Kernel α β) [IsFiniteKernel κ] [IsFiniteKernel η] (hf : StronglyMeasurable f) :
MeasurableSet {a | Integrable (fun x ↦ f ((∂κ a/∂η a) x).toReal) (η a)} := by
convert measurableSet_integrable_f_kernel_rnDeriv κ η η hf using 3 with a
refine integrable_congr ?_
filter_upwards [Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η a] with b hb
filter_upwards [κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η a] with b hb
rw [hb]

lemma measurable_integral_f_rnDeriv [MeasurableSpace.CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β]
(κ η : Kernel α β) [IsFiniteKernel κ] [IsFiniteKernel η] (hf : StronglyMeasurable f) :
Measurable fun a ↦ ∫ x, f ((∂κ a/∂η a) x).toReal ∂(η a) := by
have : ∀ a, ∫ x, f ((∂κ a/∂η a) x).toReal ∂η a
= ∫ x, f (Kernel.rnDeriv κ η a x).toReal ∂η a := by
= ∫ x, f (κ.rnDeriv η a x).toReal ∂η a := by
refine fun a ↦ integral_congr_ae ?_
filter_upwards [Kernel.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure κ η a] with x hx
filter_upwards [κ.rnDeriv_eq_rnDeriv_measure η a] with x hx
rw [hx]
simp_rw [this]
refine (StronglyMeasurable.integral_kernel_prod_left ?_).measurable
refine hf.comp_measurable ?_
exact ((Kernel.measurable_rnDeriv κ η).comp measurable_swap).ennreal_toReal
exact ((κ.measurable_rnDeriv η).comp measurable_swap).ennreal_toReal

lemma measurable_fDiv [MeasurableSpace.CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β]
(κ η : Kernel α β) [IsFiniteKernel κ] [IsFiniteKernel η]
Expand All @@ -930,8 +930,7 @@ lemma measurable_fDiv [MeasurableSpace.CountableOrCountablyGenerated α β]
refine Measurable.add ?_ ?_
· exact (measurable_integral_f_rnDeriv _ _ hf).coe_real_ereal
· refine Measurable.const_mul ?_ _
exact ((Measure.measurable_coe .univ).comp
(Kernel.measurable_singularPart κ η)).coe_ereal_ennreal
exact ((Measure.measurable_coe .univ).comp (κ.measurable_singularPart η)).coe_ereal_ennreal

end Measurability

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