This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3, Vuetify 3 and Typescript in Vite.
Vue 3: Template is completly build with latest vue 3 features like Single file component and <script setup> mode which makes your code much more clean and readable. Router, Directives, Middlewares and Mixins are all configured and prebuilt in to the template.
Typescript: The whole project is written with typescipt modular form, which is great as it's the new trend and most of the libraries are starting to migrate/support modular form (Ex: Firebase).
Vite: The project is built on top of vite, which have boosted everything from server-start up to production bundle. You can't describe how amazing vite is here in one line so i recommend reading this official article from Vite to know more about it
Vuetify 3: Alpha version of Vuetify 3 is available and is completly configured including custom themes and colors.
SCSS: Sass is configured and is integrated to work globally and inside local components, it is integrated with vuetify as well.
Vuex Store: Store is configured with module form that supports multiple versions of stores with dfferent names, as it is more efficient for medium and big projects.
- Multilangual Configurations (i18n).