This application is designed for managing eBooks
type | library | intern reader | editor |
epub 1/2/3 | X | X | X |
cbz | X | X | . |
cbr | X | X | |
X | |||
mobi | X | ||
txt | X | ||
rtf | X | ||
doc | X | ||
docx | X |
- eBook import in database
- eBook reader, if file not supported open file with default application
- eBook editor
- edit eBook metadata(support for title, series and authors)
- modify eBook storage directory if metadata updated
- Settings window
- Global
- change language
- import language
- change style
- import style
- modify library folder
- Metadata
- change default eBook cover style
- change file name eBook import template
- About tab
- Global
Library sub window metadata edition
File conversion
Settings window
- Conversion
- default module CBZ to EPUB
- import Conversion module
- modify parameters of Conversion modules
- Conversion
Synchronize eBook library with mobile terminal (in a far future)
- incompatible terminal software would only have the eBook file copied
- compatible terminal software would have
- full metadata information's
- bookmark
- cover
- tags
Require Python >= 3.5.x Require the following complements:
- PyQt5
- PyQtWebKit
- Qsci
- pysqlite3
- lxml
- numpy
- six
- Beautifulsoup4
- pywin32(on windows)
Required Archiver:
- Windows => 7Zip
/!\ the packages are only example packages, their content is incomplete(for style) or invalid(text in lang package still in english)
Go to the Release page Here, contains:
- executable with scripts compiled (compiled version)
- executable not compiled and without dependencies (light version)
- Install Python >=3.5.x which you can find here. Do not forget the PATH inclusion(checked by default)
- Run
pip install -r [path of the application files]requirements.txt
- Run
sudo apt-get install python3
- Run
sudo pip3 install -r [path of the application files]requirements.txt
Use the start.bat file.
[path of the application files]start.bat
Or Run
python [path of the application files]
If Python dir not in the PATH variable then remplace "python" by "[path of the python dir]python.exe"
or use the script
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Third party references => here