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Common Errors

Maik Riedlsperger edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

Article weight or stock unit missing!

One of the articles does not have a weight. You should add a weight to those articles. This error is not problematic for orders below 2kg. The label will be printed flawlessly.

Error while connecting to DHL-API!

The DHL-API got problems currently. The error should fix itself, if you wait a few minutes.

Less than 10 seconds passed! Double run!

Some employees like to double click on buttons, that trigger on every single click. So we made a quick, dirty fix for that. You have to wait 10 seconds, until you can run the program a second time.


Most likely, the program wasn't run. Check for errors at the place, that starts the program.

ONLY the order number, no further information, is in the log

Unknown error. Create a manual label via the DHL-site.

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