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fix(publishertier): store empty instead of stringified false #4897

fix(publishertier): store empty instead of stringified false

fix(publishertier): store empty instead of stringified false #4897

GitHub Actions / Test Report failed Oct 19, 2024 in 0s

274 tests run, 272 passed, 0 skipped, 2 failed.


Check failure on line 1 in lua:101

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report

lua:101.prize pool prize pool is correct lpdb storage

spec/prize_pool_spec.lua:103: Function was never called with matching arguments.
Called with (last call if any):
Raw output
spec/prize_pool_spec.lua:103: Function was never called with matching arguments.
Called with (last call if any):
(values list) ((string) 'ranking_abc1_Rathoz', (table: 0x55cfe74074b0) {
  [date] = '2022-10-15'
  [extradata] = '{"prizepoints":""}'
  [game] = 'commons'
  [icon] = 'test.png'
  [icondark] = 'test dark.png'
  [individualprizemoney] = 970.97276906869001323
  [lastvsdata] = '[]'
  [liquipediatier] = '1'
  [liquipediatiertype] = 'Qualifier'
  [opponentname] = 'Rathoz'
  [opponentplayers] = '{"p1":"Rathoz","p1dn":"Rathoz","p1flag":"Sweden"}'
  [opponenttype] = 'solo'
  [parent] = 'FakePage'
  [participant] = 'Rathoz'
  [participantflag] = 'Sweden'
  [participantlink] = 'Rathoz'
  [placement] = 1
  [players] = '{"p1":"Rathoz","p1dn":"Rathoz","p1flag":"Sweden"}'
  [prizemoney] = 970.97276906869001323
  [prizepoolindex] = 1
  [series] = 'Test Series'
  [shortname] = 'Test Tourney'
  [startdate] = '2022-10-13'
  [tournament] = 'Test Tournament'
  [type] = 'Offline' })
(values list) ((string) 'ranking_abc1_Rathoz', (table: 0x55cfe740bbd0) {
  [date] = '2022-10-15'
  [extradata] = '{"prizepoints":""}'
  [game] = 'commons'
  [icon] = 'test.png'
  [icondark] = 'test dark.png'
  [individualprizemoney] = 970.97276906869001323
  [lastvsdata] = '[]'
  [liquipediatier] = '1'
  [liquipediatiertype] = 'Qualifier'
  [opponentname] = 'Rathoz'
  [opponentplayers] = '{"p1":"Rathoz","p1dn":"Rathoz","p1flag":"Sweden"}'
  [opponenttype] = 'solo'
  [parent] = 'FakePage'
  [participant] = 'Rathoz'
  [participantflag] = 'Sweden'
  [participantlink] = 'Rathoz'
  [placement] = 1
  [players] = '{"p1":"Rathoz","p1dn":"Rathoz","p1flag":"Sweden"}'
  [prizemoney] = 970.97276906869001323
  [prizepoolindex] = 1
  [publishertier] = 'false'
  [series] = 'Test Series'
  [shortname] = 'Test Tourney'
  [startdate] = '2022-10-13'
  [tournament] = 'Test Tournament'
  [type] = 'Offline' })
stack traceback:
	spec/prize_pool_spec.lua:103: in function <spec/prize_pool_spec.lua:101>

Check failure on line 1 in lua:6

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report

lua:6.Team Card Storage standard fields

spec/team_card_storage_spec.lua:36: Expected objects to be the same.
Passed in:
Raw output
spec/team_card_storage_spec.lua:36: Expected objects to be the same.
Passed in:
(table: 0x55cfe7bb6500) {
  [date] = '2022-10-15'
  [extradata] = { }
  [game] = 'commons'
  [icon] = 'test.png'
  [icondark] = 'test dark.png'
  [image] = 'dummy.png'
  [imagedark] = 'dummydark.png'
  [liquipediatier] = '1'
  [liquipediatiertype] = 'Qualifier'
  [mode] = 'team'
  [objectName] = 'ranking_prefix_team liquid'
  [parent] = 'FakePage'
  [participant] = 'Team Liquid'
  [series] = 'Test Series'
  [startdate] = '2022-10-13'
  [tournament] = 'Test Tournament' }
(table: 0x55cfe7bb73d0) {
  [date] = '2022-10-15'
  [extradata] = { }
  [game] = 'commons'
  [icon] = 'test.png'
  [icondark] = 'test dark.png'
  [image] = 'dummy.png'
  [imagedark] = 'dummydark.png'
  [liquipediatier] = '1'
  [liquipediatiertype] = 'Qualifier'
  [mode] = 'team'
  [objectName] = 'ranking_prefix_team liquid'
  [parent] = 'FakePage'
  [participant] = 'Team Liquid'
 *[publishertier] = 'false'
  [series] = 'Test Series'
  [startdate] = '2022-10-13'
  [tournament] = 'Test Tournament' }
stack traceback:
	spec/team_card_storage_spec.lua:36: in function <spec/team_card_storage_spec.lua:6>