- Visual Studio Code with the SQL Extension
- Azure OpenAI instance with a text-embedding-ada-002 deployment and a gpt-4 deployment.
- An Azure SQL Database
Key Information Needed
- Azure SQL Database Server Name
- Azure SQL Database Name
- Azure OpenAI Endpoint Name
- Azute OpenAI Endpoint Key
Visual Studio Code will be used for working with the database.
When Visual Studio Code opens, click the SQL Extension on the left side.
Next, click Add Connection in the SQL Extension. (The Add Connection option might take a few seconds to load.)
A SQL Connection Dialog tab will appear in the VS Code editor.
For the Profile Name field, enter SampleDB.
Next, for Input type, select the Connection String radio button.
In the Connection String text box, copy and paste the following connect string
Be sure to replace the following placeholders in the connection string:YOUR_AZURE_SQL_SERVER_NAME, YOUR_DATABASE_NAME, YOUR_SQLADMIN_PASSWORD,1433;Initial Catalog=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sqladmin;Password=YOUR_SQLADMIN_PASSWORD;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;
then press the blue Connect button.
Once connected to the database, right click on the database in the connection navigator on the left side and choose New Query.
You are now connected to the Azure SQL Database!