An embedding is a special format of data representation that machine learning models and algorithms can easily use. The embedding is an information dense representation of the semantic meaning of a piece of text. Each embedding is a vector of floating-point numbers. Vector embeddings can help with semantic search by capturing the semantic similarity between terms. For example, "cat" and "kitty" have similar meanings, even though they are spelled differently.
Embeddings created and stored in the Azure SQL Database during this lab will power a vector similarity search in a chat app you will build.
Using an empty query sheet in VS Code, copy and paste the following code. This code calls an Azure OpenAI embeddings endpoint. The result will be a JSON array of vectors.
Ensure you change the placeholder for YOUR_AI_ENDPOINT_NAME to your Azure OpenAI Endpoint name.
declare @url nvarchar(4000) = N''; declare @message nvarchar(max) = 'Hello World!'; declare @payload nvarchar(max) = N'{"input": "' + @message + '"}'; declare @ret int, @response nvarchar(max); exec @ret = sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint @url = @url, @method = 'POST', @payload = @payload, @credential = [], @timeout = 230, @response = @response output; select @ret as ReturnCode, json_query(@response, '$[0].embedding') as "JSON Vector Array";
Again, click the run button on the query sheet. The result will be a JSON vector array.
Using the built in JSON function json_query, we are able to extract JSON array from REST response payloads. In the above T-SQL, json_query(@response, '$[0].embedding') as "JSON Vector Array" will extract the vector array from the result payload returned to us from the Azure OpenAI REST endpoint.
For reference, the JSON response message from the Azure OpenAI embeddings endpoint will look similar to the following and you can see how we extract the array found at $[0].embedding.
[!TIP] This code is for reference only
{ "response": { "status": { "http": { "code": 200, "description": "" } }, "headers": { "Date": "Thu, 24 Oct 2024 19:32:59 GMT", "Content-Length": "33542", "Content-Type": "application/json", "access-control-allow-origin": "*", "apim-request-id": "ac67032f-41c1-4ec3-acc6-3f697c262764", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload", "x-content-type-options": "nosniff", "x-ms-region": "West US", "x-request-id": "84baf32d-f1f7-4183-9403-a95365d01a3e", "x-ms-client-request-id": "ac67032f-41c1-4ec3-acc6-3f697c262764", "x-ratelimit-remaining-requests": "349", "azureml-model-session": "d007-20240925154241", "x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens": "349994" } }, "result": { "object": "list", "data": [ { "object": "embedding", "index": 0, "embedding": [ 0.0023929428, 0.00034713413, -0.0023142276, -0.025654867, -0.011492423, 0.0010358924, -0.014836246, 0.0035484824, 0.000045630233, -0.027581815, 0.023816079, 0.005012586, -0.027732948, -0.010088143, ... -0.014571763 ] } ], "model": "text-embedding-ada-002", "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 3, "total_tokens": 3 } } }
This JSON vector array can now be used with new vector datatype and functions in the Azure SQL database such as VECTOR_DISTANCE.
This next section of the lab will have you alter the Adventure Works product table to add a new vector datatype column. You will then use a stored procedure to create embeddings for the products and store the vector arrays in that column.
In a new query sheet or an existing bank one in VS Code, copy and paste the following T-SQL:
alter table [SalesLT].[Product] add embeddings VECTOR(1536), chunk nvarchar(2000);
this code adds a vector datatype column to the Product table. It also adds a column named chunk where we will store the text we send over to the embeddings REST endpoint.
Then click the run button on the query sheet
Next, we are going to use the External REST Endpoint Invocation procedure (sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint) to create a stored procedure that will create embeddings for text we supply as an input. Copy and paste the following code into a blank query editor in VS Code:
Ensure you change the placeholder for YOUR_AI_ENDPOINT_NAME to your Azure OpenAI Endpoint name.
create or alter procedure dbo.create_embeddings ( @input_text nvarchar(max), @embedding vector(1536) output ) AS BEGIN declare @url varchar(max) = ''; declare @payload nvarchar(max) = json_object('input': @input_text); declare @response nvarchar(max); declare @retval int; -- Call to Azure OpenAI to get the embedding of the search text begin try exec @retval = sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint @url = @url, @method = 'POST', @credential = [], @payload = @payload, @response = @response output; end try begin catch select 'SQL' as error_source, error_number() as error_code, error_message() as error_message return; end catch if (@retval != 0) begin select 'OPENAI' as error_source, json_value(@response, '$.result.error.code') as error_code, json_value(@response, '$.result.error.message') as error_message, @response as error_response return; end -- Parse the embedding returned by Azure OpenAI declare @json_embedding nvarchar(max) = json_query(@response, '$[0].embedding'); -- Convert the JSON array to a vector and set return parameter set @embedding = CAST(@json_embedding AS VECTOR(1536)); END;
Click the run button on the query sheet to create the procedure in the database.
We have our embeddings procedure, now we can use it with data from the various products table. We are taking descriptive elements from each product and concatenating them into a single string to send to the embeddings endpoint. We construct this text string with the following SQL:
[!TIP] This code is for reference only
SELECT p.Name + ' '+ ISNULL(p.Color,'No Color') + ' '+ c.Name + ' '+ m.Name + ' '+ d.Description FROM [SalesLT].[Product] p, [SalesLT].[ProductCategory] c, [SalesLT].[ProductModel] m, [SalesLT].[vProductAndDescription] d where p.ProductCategoryID = c.ProductCategoryID and p.ProductModelID = m.ProductModelID and p.ProductID = d.ProductID and d.Culture = 'en' and p.ProductID = @ProductID
Looking at the SQL, the text we are embedding contains the product name, product color (if available), the category name the product belongs to, the model name of the product, and the description of the product.
Run the following T-SQL in a blank query editor in VS Code to create embeddings for all products in the Products table:
[!Knowledge] This code will take from 10 to 20 seconds to run
SET NOCOUNT ON DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #MYTEMP DECLARE @ProductID int declare @text nvarchar(max); declare @vector vector(1536); SELECT * INTO #MYTEMP FROM [SalesLT].Product SELECT @ProductID = ProductID FROM #MYTEMP SELECT TOP(1) @ProductID = ProductID FROM #MYTEMP WHILE @@ROWCOUNT <> 0 BEGIN set @text = (SELECT p.Name + ' '+ ISNULL(p.Color,'No Color') + ' '+ c.Name + ' '+ m.Name + ' '+ ISNULL(d.Description,'') FROM [SalesLT].[ProductCategory] c, [SalesLT].[ProductModel] m, [SalesLT].[Product] p LEFT OUTER JOIN [SalesLT].[vProductAndDescription] d on p.ProductID = d.ProductID and d.Culture = 'en' where p.ProductCategoryID = c.ProductCategoryID and p.ProductModelID = m.ProductModelID and p.ProductID = @ProductID); exec dbo.create_embeddings @text, @vector output; update [SalesLT].[Product] set [embeddings] = @vector, [chunk] = @text where ProductID = @ProductID; DELETE FROM #MYTEMP WHERE ProductID = @ProductID SELECT TOP(1) @ProductID = ProductID FROM #MYTEMP END
To ensure all the embeddings were created, run the following code in a blank query editor in VS Code:
select count(*) from SalesLT.Product where embeddings is null;
You should get 0 for the result.
Run the next query in a blank query editor in VS Code to see the results of the above update to the Products table:
select top 10 chunk, embeddings from SalesLT.Product
You can see that the chunk column is the combination of multiple data points about a product and the embeddings column contains the vector arrays.