PacmanGoHome is an educational game, based on the original Pacman game tutorial from Zetcode. During this pandemic time, people need to learn how to protect themselves from coronavirus. The key is to stay home, wear masks while going out, and avoid contacting infected people. Therefore, the purpose of this game is to deliver this message to the players. We hope people can learn while playing PacmanGoHome.
The game is developed in Java by Linh Tang and Yolanda Jiang as the final project for CSC207: Object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithms
class at Grinnell College during Spring 2020. For more information, please refer to:
Users can control Pacman with their 4 cursors keys to avoid viruses and try to reach home. There are three initial lives. In the maze, there are one mask and hospital, each can save Pacman one life. There is also an infected Pacman, having contact with him or virus costs Pacman one life. The game has two levels. The second level is more challenging as the number of viruses is double and moving faster, representing the real-time unexpectedly fast and widespread waves of COVID-19.
If you are not a developer, please download the appropriate version of the game corresponding to your operating system. Currently, we are supporting macOS
and Windows
users with minimum Java 12
installed. We plan to support the Linux
system in the near future.
➤ Download PacmanGoHome for macOS
➤ Download PacmanGoHome for Windows
➤ Install the latest Java version
After downloading the compressed file, unzip the folder using unarchiver softwares in your device. For macOS users, please change your Security & Privacy
in System Preferences
to allow the
to run. For Windows users, click on PacmanGoHome.exe
to play the game.
➤ Explanation of development flows & algorithms..
We use Eclipse IDE to build and test the program. If you want to run using command-line tools (java, javac), please refer to this article for help.
The main method is saved at
together with the initialization of the GUI. The
contains all other implementations of the game. All the code has been well-documented.
Linh Tang - email: [email protected]
Yolanda Jiang - email: [email protected]
The demo version of the game can be found in this repository. Please note that the game is still in progress of development.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.