A terraform module that creates resources to serve up a web application hosted in ECS with the Fargate compute engine
- Creates the ECS service and supporting resources
- Creates a Load Balancer listening on HTTP and HTTPS ports (defaults to 80 and 443)
- Creates a security group to allow traffic from HTTP/HTTPS from
- Creates a rewrite rule to redirect HTTP->HTTPS
- Creates an S3 Bucket for ALB Access Logs
- Finds the Route53 zone based on domain name provided
- Creates a Route53 Alias Record for the LB within the zone
- Finds the certificate for the LB via AWS Certificate Manager based on the domain name provided
module "mywebservice" {
source = "github.com/seanscottking/terraform-aws-ecs-fargate-web.git"
container_definitions = "${data.template_file.mywebservice.rendered}"
ecs_cluster_id = "${aws_ecs_cluster.main.id}"
private_subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.private_subnet_ids["private"]}"
name = "${local.name_tag}"
public_subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.public_subnet_ids["public"]}"
route53_zone_name = "mywebservice.mycompany.com"
security_group_ids = ["${module.vpc.default_security_group_id}"]
vpc_id = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"