Advanced Discord-Bot satisfying your competitive needs whilst playing Paladins!
Invite to your server here
A few of the things you will be able to do with Squidly:
- Retrieve & display data directly from Hi-Rez
- Works with every Platform (Switch, Steam, Epic ...)
- Visualize opposing teams and showing their stats
- Show Level, Rank, Playtime and more rich information
Feel free to send me feedback on Twitter
or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome.
Also feel free to submit a PR!
If there's anything you'd like to chat about, please feel free to join our Discord!
→ Execute gradle build shadowJar
on the root project to create the executable fat jar.
- Save your discord bot token in envirnoment variable
. - Save the hirez dev. credentials in the following env. variables:
Your Hirez DevId into:squidly_devid
and your authentication key into:squidly_authkey
→ Finally grab the jar archive from the latest release or from discord/build/libs/
and execute it with your favourite JVM.