This application was built for the ASI Karikas 2023 competition. One of the goals of the competition was to build a hotel room reservation application.
- Built using .NET Maui
- Supports only Windows (theoretically Mac as well but I haven't tested)
- Uses SQLite and writes to a .DB file
- The customer can view available rooms and the information associated with them.
- The customer can book a room from a specific date to another specific date.
- The reserved room cannot be rebooked during the reserved period.
- The rooms are categorized as types, and each type has its own amount of beds. All rooms have a price per night cost.
- The customer can view the full price of their reservation, which is based on the price per night but with a 1.5 multiplier on weekends (Saturday-Sunday night and Sunday-Monday night).
- The customer can view the hotel's contact information and location.
- The customer can search for rooms based on category, price, and dates.
- The customer must enter their personal data to make a reservation.
- The hotel employee/admin can view customer data related to the reservation, room data, and reservation time period.
- The hotel employee/admin can add and delete rooms.
- Login or register an account
- Search for a room
- Finish account credentials
- Book a room
- Log out
- Login as admin
- Username: admin
- Password: kasutajalego
- View reservations and rooms
- Create new rooms and delete old ones
- For new room images to get refreshed, restart the application
Download git for your computer
Download Visual Studio 2022
- Download .NET Maui using Visual Studio Installer
- Make sure that you have .NET 6.0 installed!
Clone the repository by opening a command prompt in some random folder and typing:
git clone
Open the solution in Visual Studio
Run the application through Visual Studio !Wait a bit before starting as VS needs to download Nuget packages!