A brief description of what this project does and who it's for
- This project is a initial release of price scrapper for Mcdonalds Australia via its Native Andorid Application.
- Provide Input as CSV (Stores to be scarped by location + Products) that you would like to be scraped.
- Write down scrape data obtained into a .csv format.
- Garbage Collection for optimal memory usage.
- Error Handling when product is unavailable.
- Stream based file writer.
Install MCD PRICE SCRAPPER with npm
install all the dependenices.
npm init --save
********Note: These dependecies are only required for fresh setup//
npm init --save does the drill if you are looking to make this scrapper work on your machine. ******
npm i webdriverio --save
npm i @wdio/cli --save
npm i @wdio/local-runner
npm i @wdio/sync
npm i @wdio/mocha-framework
npm i --save csvtojson
setup babel.config.js file as per the node version
cd MCD-PRICE SCrapper.
Ensure you have Node.js installed in your computer as Node js is the default runtime used.
- To check go to command and type in:
Node --v (This will give you the version of node installed in your machine)
- Android Studio/ Emulator
- Appium server
- Java 8
- Node Js
- Web Driver.io
- @kripukhadka
- For any queries and bug report email directly to - [email protected]