The goal of this repository is showcase how to build and deploy a simple slack bot in scala. It focuses on composing existing pieces together while exploring deployment options and developer experience that comes with them.
Checkout the article for a proper tutorial.
At the moment this repository supports the following run scenarios
Local | Remote | |||
Native | Docker | |||
Service | Scala.js | ✅ | ❌ Could be added | |
Scala JVM | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ on | |
Lambda | Scala.js | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ on AWS |
Scala JVM | ✅ |
export WEBHOOK_URL='' # Webhook handler for the slack app
export APP_CONF_TOKEN='' # Can be generated at
Whenever you want to update the webhook URL
export WEBHOOK_URL='' # Webhook handler for the slack app
export APP_CONF_TOKEN='' # Can be generated at
Slack requires https traffic and current server implementation exposes only http endpoint. This means you can't simply expose the port on your router. Instead, you can use ngrok to create a http proxy.
brew install --cask ngrok
ngrok http 9876
# public url will be shown in the terminal. Alternatively you can get it with
curl -s localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r '.tunnels[0].public_url'
export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN='' # Can be generated at${APP_ID}/oauth
This will expose an http endpoint served by http4s.
> sbt
sbt:scala-slack-bot> serviceJVM/reStart
## JVM debugger available on port 5005.
npm install source-map-support
sbt serviceJS/run
## nodejs debugger available on port 9229.
Both runtimes work the same way and can be called with:
curl localhost:9876/hello
curl -XPOST localhost:9876/lambda -d 'user_id=111' # need proper user id to work correctly
This will start an aws-provided container with lambda runtime
sbt fastOptJS::webpack
sbt lambdaJVM/universal:stage
curl -X POST --location "http://localhost:9876/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" \
-d '{
"isBase64Encoded": false
Requires aws account and cli setup
This will create all necessary object through CloudFormation Stack
sbt lambdaJS/universal:packageBin
sbt lambdaJVM/universal:stage
> scripts/
Lambda url: "my_url"
curl -XPOST my_url -d 'user_id=111'
fly auth login
fly auth docker
sbt serviceJVM/docker:publish
fly deploy -c resources/fly.tom
fly secrets set -c resources/fly.toml SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=$SLACK_BOT_TOKEN
flyurl=$(fly status -c resources/fly.toml --json | jq -r .Hostname)
curl -XPOST fly_url/lambda -d 'user_id=111'
This bot could be deployed to localstack but with significant limitations:
resource is not supported in localstack community edition, so this part would have to be done separately (outside of cloud formation)
PRs welcomed!