Instructions for building an Atmega328 based board that plugs into a Bally 6-digit pinball display that shows the time.
(For a less hardware intensive pinball clock using a Raspberry Pi, scroll to Raspberry Pi Clock below)
Basic parts needed:
- Atmega328 IC and socket (aka Arduino)
- DS1307 RTC module (keeps time when clock is powered off)
- Nixie Tube power supply (optional, supports original plasma displays)
- Small stripboard
- 20 pin .156 female J1 connector and female pins
- 7805 Voltage regulator
- 2 momentary push buttons
- 2 LEDs
- 2 220 Ohm resistors
- 1 10k Ohm resistor
- 2 10 uF capacitors
- 2 22 pF capacitors
- 16 MHz clock crystal
- DC power jack
- 12V/1A plug-in power supply
- misc electronics -- wire/headers/solder
The HVPS is available here:
A simlified version of the pinball clock uses a Raspberry Pi instead of all the components used above. The only requirements are to make a connector and install software to a Raspberry Pi. If you'd prefer to make the Pi clock, the instructions and programs are located in the Pi folder.