The server has three end points
Which adds one follow relationship ('from' follows 'to')
2 params:
- from: <user ID>
- to: <user ID>
Which adds one song the user just listened to
2 params:
- user: <user ID>
- music: <music ID>
Return 5 music recommendations to this user, sorted by relevance
Query string has:
- user: <user ID>
mongodb should be started up prior to server startup.
The database is stored in the data folder, and its expected address is
- mongodb://localhost:27017/BE_music_db
You will need to run npm install in the BE_music_Kan_Zhang (root) folder to get all the modules required
#####$ npm install
To start the server, simply move to the BE_music_Kan_Zhang folder (if you're not there already) and use the following
#####$ node app.js
the default address should be
Also included is a script file, script.js, now located in the root folder, that is meant to be run with Mocha.
The app server must not be running, before you run the script. The script will start its own node.js server, and then run its tests, then end its own process.
Suggested command is
#####$ mocha script.js
Must have mocha installed globally to run this. If you do not have mocha installed globally, you can try using one of the two following options
npm test
I have linked this script tomocha script.js
and I believe npm uses the relative mocha module, and not the global version -
./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha script.js
To manually use the mocha inside the node_modules folder
Currently, a lot of feedback is printed to the console. To turn this off, simply change
var printToConsole = false
in index.js
Uses Node.js (v0.10.26) with Express.js connecting to a mongo database
Using Mocha for the script to feed the required info into the endpoints
Created with Nodeclipse (Eclipse Marketplace, site)
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