- whole website is fully Responsive.
- Landing Page & Footer.
- Login and Signup Page with Express,mongodb,Nodejs & React, Redux.
- Product Filters Based on Brand and Discount
- Product Details in brief manner.
- Product Sorting Based on Price, Rating and brand
- Product Filtering and Sorting works together
- Cart Add and Remove Items
- Cart Update Quantities
- Admin all users showing page
- Admin all products list page
- Admin add product form page
- Admin product edit form page
- Admin Order's list page
This is the main landing page of our website. Here, if you clicked on any navigation then you will redirect to respective page. Also, we have added searching of product option with debouncing feature.
All pages are responsive.
On this page, you can register a user. If the user is already registered, you can simply sign in by providing valid details of the user.
On this page, you have to login with your registered email and password .you can simply sign in by providing valid details of the user.
Here users can browse, filter
the product based on brand and discound
, sort
by price or rating
, filter and sort will work togather and add items to the cart by clicking on the Add to Cart
Here all the products added to the cart will be shown. On this page, By Clicking on add to cart your cart added successfully.
Here Razorpay payment othentication after click a checkout button and complete your payment then your order is placed.
Here show all category and graph for understanding.
On this page, you can see your order details. you can remove
the item from cart and also, increase
or decrease
count. By clicking on the payment button you will be redirect to the checkout page.
On This Page there is info about the site....
On This Page there is info about the site....
On This Page there is info about the site....
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