Tales of Berseria "Fix" - v 0.1.0
Shadow Rescaling + Button Mods
- Adds support for button mods (see new INI file called `TBFix_Gamepad.ini` generated on first run) - PS4 buttons are included, but the texture that ships with the game needs to be modified before it will work correctly, look for this in a later release. - Adds shadow rescaling - Works the same way as TZFix (-1=2x, **-2=4x**, -3=8x, -4=16x) - Adds texture caching - Will be important once mipmap generation is addedNOTE For Texture Modders:
TBFix has a feature that allows you to compare the original buttons with your modified buttons.
Press Ctrl+Shift+U to switch between original and modified in real-time.