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Releases: KBLNY/react-native-message-bar


19 May 09:43
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  • Update Requiring React API from react-native, since React Native 0.25
  • Update Readme


04 May 10:06
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Codacy issues fixed (Code Style)


04 May 09:58
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Codacy Added and Issues fixed (coding style and 1 unused code)


26 Apr 14:42
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Bug Fix:

  • Usage of a local image file is now possible with avatar: require('./mylocalimage.jpg')


22 Apr 10:48
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Breaking Changes

  • Property avatarUrl renamed to avatar for clarity purpose. You can use a remote file using its URL, like avatar: 'http://urlToYourRemoteImage.extension', or a local file using avatar: require('<path/to/your/local/image.extension>')


20 Apr 08:34
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Bug fix

  • Change callbacks calls (onHide, onShow, onTapped) from props to state
  • Fix a bug that display a blue info alert
  • Fix a bug that refresh the image alert after previously shown


  • Example project updated
  • Documentation updated


16 Apr 15:39
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Bug Fix

  • Log message removed


31 Mar 14:48
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New Features

  • New property position : To define the position of the alert, top (default) or bottom
  • New property animationType : define the way the alert is shown on the view, can be SlideFromTop (default if position is top), SlideFromBottom (default if position is bottom), SlideFromLeft, SlideFromRight.
  • New property viewBottomOffset : Offset of the view from the bottom. That means the alert touch the bottom edge of the screen
  • New property viewBottomInset : Padding Bottom of the view

Bug Fix

  • The newer Message Bar alert now replace the current one properly; and it keeps displayed according to its duration

Deprecated Functions

  • MessageBarManager : use showAlert instead of showCurrentAlert

1.3.0: ## New Features

29 Mar 09:11
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New Features

  • New property shouldHideAfterDelay : Tell the MessageBar whether or not it should hide after a delay defined in the duration property. If false, the MessageBar remain shown
  • New property shouldHideOnTap : Tell the MessageBar whether or not it should hide or not when the user tap the alert. If false, the MessageBar will not hide, but the onTapped function is triggered, if defined. In addition, if false, the onHide function will not be triggered. The property shouldHideAfterDelay take precedence over shouldHideOnTap. That means if shouldHideAfterDelay is false, the value of shouldHideOnTap is not taken into account, since the MessageBar will not ever be hidden
  • New property titleNumberOfLines : Number of lines of the title. 0 means unlimited
  • New property messageNumberOfLines : Number of lines of the message. 0 means unlimited
  • New property titleStyle : Style of the title
  • New property messageStyle : Style of the message
  • New property avatarStyle : Style of the icon/avatar

Bug Fixes

  • When a MessageBar alert is shown it hide the existing one and display a new one, instead of replacing the existing one with its new state (formerly using properties)

Breaking Changes

  • Property type renamed to alertType


17 Mar 22:38
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Show a Message Bar Alert from a child component with the MessageBarManager.
MessageBar supports permanent alert/prevent alert to be hidden after a delay (see shouldHideAfterDelay property)
MessageBar supports permanent alert even when user tap it (see shouldHideOnTap property)
Customization of number of lines for title. 0 for unlimited number of lines
Customization of number of lines for message. 0 for unlimited number of lines
Example updated
Documentation updated