- torch>=1.4.0
- torchvision>=0.5.0
- dominate>=2.4.0
- visdom>=
- cp2photo_v1: contains 5382 photosincluding landscape photos, plant photos and animal pho-tos, 1070 Chinese paintings including Chinese landscape painting, Chinese bird-and-flower painting and Chinesefigure painting.
- cp2photo_v2: contains 826 photos including almostall landscape photos and 522 traditional Chinese paintingsincluding almost all landscape paintings.
- cp2photo_v3: contains 2194 landscapephotos and 2686 Chinese landscape paintings.
Baiduyunpan link for these three datasets: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cEgMAYsL8wLR17XnGa-vGA, password: 03ci
登录Xshell 6连接服务器au332p10
tmux new -s visdom
在tmux窗口内运行python -m visdom.server
然后ctrl b + d 退出tmux窗口 -
在自己电脑windows cmd终端使用ssh连接服务器
ssh -L 8097: -p 3333 [email protected]
然后使用本地浏览器访问 http://localhost:8097 就可以实时监控训练情况了 -
tmux new -s session_name
session_name为窗口名 -
conda activate Pytorch
cd pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix
--dataroot: path to images (should have subfolders trainA, trainB, valA, valB, etc)
--name: name of the experiment. It decides where to store samples and models
--model: chooses which model to use, we use 'cycle_gan'
--gpu_ids: gpu ids: e.g. 0 0,1,2, 0,2. use -1 for CPU
--display_env: visdom display environment name (default is "main")
--netG: specify generator architecture, choose from [resnet_9blocks | unet_256 ]
--n_epochs: number of epochs with the initial learning rate
--n_epochs_decay: number of epochs to linearly decay learning rate to zero
--n_epochs_D: number of epochs to train the D per training the G, which must > 0
the total epochs = n_epochs * n_epochs_D + n_epochs_decay
--lr_policy: learning rate schedular, choose from [linear | step | plateau | cosine]
--addnoise: add which noise data augmentation to the training img or none, choose from ['SaltPepper', 'Gaussian', 'SaltPepper_and_Gaussian', None]
python train_more_D.py --dataroot ./datasets/datasets_name --name save_name --model cycle_gan --gpu_ids 0 --display_env env --netG resnet_9blocks --n_epochs 100 --n_epochs_decay 200 --lr_policy cosine --n_epochs_D 3
- 训练结果保存在checkpoints文件夹下
- ctrl b + d 退出tmux窗口
tmux attach -t session_name
- 源代码中
使用epoch次的保存模型进行测试,得到Domain x 和Domain y的双向测试结果
--epoch: which epoch to load?
--num_test: how many test images to run
python test.py --dataroot ./datasets/datasets_name --name save_name --model cycle_gan --gpu_ids 0 --epoch 50 --netG resnet_9blocks
- 我们的
--save_path: where to save the result
python test_img.py --dataroot ./datasets/datasets_name --name save_name --model cycle_gan --epoch 50 --netG resnet_9blocks --save_path ./result/test
python brush/brushwritev2.py