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Required to render the stimuli with The crops extracted from the ULaval dataset used as input to the lighting estimation methods and as background to the stimuli.


Produced by The stimuli used in all the psychophysical experiments, for the different methods.


Used to train the metrics (metrics_values_train_indoor.json and metrics_values_train_outdoor.json). metrics_values_indoor.json and metrics_values_outdoor.json are the values computed by, using the new lighting estimation model. The scores of the 15 metrics computed on all the stimuli used in the experiments. The scores are stored in a .json containing all the experiments. The hierarchy is:

  1. task: ["no_bkg_plane", "bkg_plane"] (which corresponds to task 1 and task 2)
  2. material: ["diffuse", "glossy"]
  3. metric name: ["rmse", "si_rmse", "angular_error", "psnr", "ssim", "vif", "pieapp", "flip", "lpips", "delta_E", "hdr_vdp", "brisque", "niqe", "unique", "hyperIQA"]
  4. image: str with a number from 0 to 25 corresponding to the crops in alphabetical order
  5. method: ['gt_indoor', 'everlight', 'weber22', 'gardner19_3', 'stylelight', 'average_image_texture'] (indoor) or ['gt_outdoor', 'everlight_outdoor', 'jinsong_outdoor', 'average_image_outdoor_texture'] (outdoor)



Raw choices of all the observers for the specific experiment, stored in a 4D matrix .mat. The hierarchy is:

  1. observer: between 30-31 for the indoor experiments and 12 for the outdoor expriments
  2. image: in alphabetical order of the crops' names
  3. choices: the 2D matrix corresponds to the choices of that observer for that image. The matrix's rows and columns correspond to ['everlight', 'weber22', 'gardner19_3', 'stylelight', 'average_image_texture'] or ['everlight_outdoor', 'jinsong_outdoor', 'average_image_outdoor_texture'], resulting in a 5x5 (indoor) or 3x3 (outdoor) matrix. Each stimulus pair shown receives a 0 for the method not prefered and a 1 for the method prefered by that observer. A 1 in the method's column indicates that this method was picked. The diag of the matrix is nans, as observers are not asked to compare the method with itself (identical stimuli).


Required for the figure generated in The Thurstone Case V Law of Comparative Judgement (z-scores) computed from the choices of all the observers for all the images. The scores are stored in a dict (.mat), in a vector for each method, in the order of ['gt_indoor', 'everlight', 'weber22', 'gardner19_3', 'stylelight', 'average_image_texture'] (indoor) or ['gt_outdoor', 'everlight_outdoor', 'jinsong_outdoor', 'average_image_outdoor_texture'] (outdoor). The 'resultsOverall' vector corresponds to the score and 'error_bars' to the error associated to the score.


The Thurstone Case V Law of Comparative Judgement (z-scores) for each method (same order as results.mat) and each image (in alphabetical order of the crops' names).


Produced by psychological_results.mat. Used to train the metrics. Proportion of observers that made the same choice, obtained by computing the mean on the observers (axis=0) of psychological_results.mat. For example, the value indicates that 80% of the observers picked method A (column) over method B (row), which would mean that by symmetry, 20% picked method B (column) over method A (row). The proportions are stored in a 3D matrix (.mat) for each experiment. The hierarchy is:

  1. image: in alphabetical order of the crops' names
  2. proportions of the choices: the 2D matrix corresponds to the proportion of the choices made by all the observers for that image. The matrix's rows and columns correspond to ['everlight', 'weber22', 'gardner19_3', 'stylelight', 'average_image_texture'] or ['everlight_outdoor', 'jinsong_outdoor', 'average_image_outdoor_texture'], resulting in a 5x5 (indoor) or 3x3 (outdoor) matrix. The values are continuous between [0, 1].


To be able to run the metric, you must generate the renders (, compute the metric values (, and then run our metric on the metric values (

Requires the crops to composite in the background. Required for Render the stimuli with a new lighting estimation method.
dir_path needs to be changed to be the path to the current directory. domaine is set to either "indoor" or "outdoor" depending on the domaine of the lighting estimation method and the crops used to predict the envmaps. model_name is the name of the new model used to predict the envmaps (will be used as the name of the dir). predicted_envmaps_path is the path to the dir of the predicted envmaps with the new lighting estiamtion method. The predicted envmaps must have the same name as the crops (without the "_crop" for the indoor crops). path_app_blender is the path of the blender app (requires version 3.4.1). To install ezexr: conda install -c conda-forge openexr-python openexr pip install --upgrade skylibs See for more information.

Requires the renders generated by and the values computed by compute_metric_values_matlab.m (for HDR-VDP3 and NIQE metric). Required for Compute the values of 15 metrics for a render. The Full-Reference metrics use the ground truth render associated to the same crop used by the render generated with the new predicted envmap (they should have the same file name). The No-Reference metrics only use the render generated by that method. The list of metrics with their reference and the code required to run them. RMSE: implemented in si-RMSE: implemented in RGB angular error: implemented in PSNR: implemented in SSIM: VIF: PieAPP: FLIP: LPIPS: Delta E: implemented in BRISQUE: UNIQUE: HyperIQA: HDR-VDP3: see compute_metric_values_matlab.m NIQE: compute_metric_values_matlab.m

Outputs the file metrics_values_indoor.json or metrics_values_outdoor.json in Data/Metric_Values/Metric_Values_*door/.


The matlab code to run the HDR-VDP3 metric and NIQE. baseFolder_dir is the path to the renders generated by domaine is set to either "indoor" or "outdoor" depending on the domaine of the lighting estimation method and the crops used to predict the envmaps. The values are then used by to generate a .jsonfile with all the metric values. HDR-VDP3: NIQE:

Requires the renders generated by, to obtain the metric values computed by Compare two renders in order to determine the one prefered by our metric, trained on the perceptual data. model_type is the domaine of the lighting estimation method and the crops used to predict the envmaps, either "ours_indoor" or "ours_outdoor" scene_type is the task of the render given as input, either "no_bkg_plane" (task 1) or "bkg_plane" (task 2). material is the material of the render given as input, either "diffuse" or "glossy". mesures1 is the .json file of the metric values computed for a render (with reference to its associated ground truth render) mesures2 is the .json file of the metric values computed for the render to be compared to the first render, computed in the same way as measures1. Outputs a score, where a value in [0, 0.5[ indicates that the render used for mesures1 is preferred by humans and ]0.5, 1] indicates that the render used fot mesures2 is prefered by humans. A score near 0.5 indicates that humans are confused and would randomly prefer either image.

Requires results.mat to generate figure 4. of the paper. Plots figure 4 in the paper, showing the prefered lighting estimation methods by the observers, according to the Thurstone Case V Law of Comparative Judgement (z-score), for all the experiments.

Requires proportion_preferences_observers.npy the results of metrics_values_train_indoor.json and metrics_values_train_outdoor.json. Plots figure 5 in the paper, showing the agreement between the metrics and the observers, for all experiments.


Perceptual metric for lighting estimation







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