"Unified Romance", or in its autoglotonym "Romanse Unificato", is a successor of the Neo-Romance language. It aims to be used as an "International Auxiliary Language" specialized in Romance languages, acting as a cultural bridge.
It belongs to the Italic language family, descending from Vulgar Latin and Latin-Faliscan Latin, and is part of the linguistic tree of Western Romance, in turn, from the same linguistic tree, it descends from Neo-Romance.
- Indo-European
- Italic
- Latino-Faliscan
- Latin
- Romance
- Italo-Western Romance
- Neo-Romance
- Unified Romance
- Neo-Romance
- Italo-Western Romance
- Romance
- Latin
- Latino-Faliscan
- Italic
The phonology of Unified Romance comes from its 5 base languages (Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian). It has 27 consonantal phonemes and 8 vocalic phonemes.
Romanse Unificato © 2024 by JustVixo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons License.
This project is in its early stages and is seeking contributors. If you are interested in helping with vocabulary or grammar development, please get in touch.
- Language Type: International Auxiliary Language (IAL)
- Speakers: Not registered
- Language Status: Standby
- Predecessor: Neo-Romance