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JumboCode Boston Athletics Association Spring 2017

Build Status Jumbocode BAA Poster

1. About

We are the JumboCode team working on a check in system for the Boston Athletics Association (BAA) for Spring 2017 at Tufts University.

2. Members

3. Branching (IMPORTANT!)

For this project, we will maintain two branches, master and dev. The master branch will contain working production-ready code at all times. Do not commit directly to master! (unless it's small). Instead commit to dev and when it's ready to go, merge it into master. Please fork other development branches as needed (fork it from dev)

  • To checkout dev: git fetch && git checkout dev
  • To commit: git add --all && git commit -m "Meaningful message here" && git push origin dev
  • Merge to master: git checkout master && git merge dev && git push origin master
  • When you only wanna merge certain commits: git checkout master && git cherry-pick COMMIT-HASH && git push origin master
  • How to create other branches

4. Setup

Specific instructions for setting up this repo is in each folder (i.e. back-end/ and front-end/ In order to run the backend Django server, follow the back-end folder's instructions. If you'd like to run an emulation of the front-end mobile app, you would need to follow the back-end instruction first, followed by setting up the mobile dev environment using the front-end instructions.