- Web application built with Angular, which provides a search service to check the weather in the center of the countries after consuming the api developed in nodeJS.
https://sodexo-challenge-julianocampo.web.app/search 👈
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/JulianOcampo/sodexo-challenge-front.git
Go to the project directory
cd sodexo-challenge-front
Download libraries
npm install --save
Compile and start the application
npm run start
Now you can access via something like this
Optionally you can make changes and when you save they will be reflected automatically
To run test
npm run test
remember to run npm install first
In the github actions section you can find the execution of build tasks and unit tests that when you download it you can show the artifact and the result of the coverage in the code.
Filter by CountryCode
Coverage result
🦾 Coding.... 🦾