ClusterManagers v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- LSF manager with bsub (#72)
- Sometimes addprocs_sge works, sometimes it doesn't (#78)
- LocalAffinityManager not updated for 1.0 (#98)
- SGEManager procs failing to launch (#100)
- Error with
on remote htcondor worker (#108) - Getting errors with Slurm (#109)
- warn function call in slurm.jl needs to be changed to a macro to be compaticle with v1 (#115)
- Slurm: Change where job files are located (#116)
- Job dies when a node fails in SLURM (#120)
- Slurm Job creation crashes on master because "SLURM_JOB_ID" not set (#127)
- Make ElasticManager print out connection instructions (#128)
- Help on PBSManager (#132)
Merged pull requests:
- add support for LSF (#74) (@bjarthur)
- Added res_list to addprocs_qrsh (#82) (@cako)
- race condition for multiple in-bound connections (#97) (@s2maki)
- fix deprecated replace call (#99) (@lstagner)
- Changes to make addprocs_sge work under julia v1.0.0 (#101) (@oschub)
- provide sockname for ElasticManager so ephemeral port can be read (#110) (@marius311)
- Update AffinityManager for Julia 1.0 (#111) (@jbrnd)
- Addressing two issues with Slurm (#119) (@mkschleg)
- Change the naming pattern of .out files to avoid conflicts (#123) (@pmarg)
- switch to Project.toml (#124) (@vchuravy)
- Newline return (#126) (@miguelraz)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#131) (@JuliaTagBot)
- refactor LSFManager to use jobs arrays (#135) (@bjarthur)
- Make ElasticManager more convenient (#136) (@marius311)
- Slurm robust to no jobid and to node warnings (#139) (@grahamas)