This is my first GitHub repo where I will upload all my code related to the kaggle Machine Learning competition in Digit recognition.
The main goal is to create a model that makes good inference from the MNIST data. My personal objective is to put in practice my skills with different convolutional neural networks learned in the previous months.
The model implemented is just a slightly variation of the original ResNet proposed by He et al. in 2015. It is just a simple CNN which contains residual conections, which connect deeper layers with previous ones, allowing the model to create indenty mappings. This modification allowed the authors to train deeper models easily. The basic structure of the model is shown on the image below.
These architecture has allowed me to achieve a 0.985 score in the kaggle competition, improving by 0.12 my previous score (logistic regression).
In order to make everything works fine, you must install the python dependencies first. It is recomended to do it in a virtual enviroment. Once the enviroment is activated and you are in the repository directory, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements
Training step is implmented in This scrpits works as a light command program that allows you to set your own training. An example of how is it used is shown below:
python --path <train.csv path> --outputPath <saving directory>
Try to use -h to see all options
python -h
Inference step is included in Following the same aproach as in training, the script comes with several command arguments that allow the user to set up the inference process. An example can be seen below:
python --csvPath <your inference dataset path> --outputPath <directory to save the results>
To see all possible options:
python -h
A image container has been build and push to DockerHub with my pretrained model. It can be used to make inference on your own data (it is important that your data has the same format as in the kaggle competition).
Before running the container, it is recomended to pull the image first:
docker pull juanki0396/digit_recognizer:inference
To make it work, you just need to mount into the container your data directory, where you have the test.csv file:
docker run --name inference \
-v <your-data-dir>:/myapp/data \
When the task is finished, you will have a predictions.csv on data directory that has been mounted into the container
- Making GUI for inference
- ...