Version 0.1.0
This project is awesome!
This project is well tested!
This project is not published to public!
This project is using awesome tech stacks!
This project does not have screenshots available.
start : $ react-scripts start
build : $ react-scripts build
test : $ react-scripts test
eject : $ react-scripts eject
Visit the repository to open bug reports and issues
This project does not have a license.
- @rebass/forms : $ ^4.0.6
- @rebass/preset : $ ^4.0.5
- @testing-library/jest-dom : $ ^4.2.4
- @testing-library/react : $ ^9.3.2
- @testing-library/user-event : $ ^7.1.2
- emotion-theming : $ ^10.0.27
- node-sass : $ ^4.14.1
- react : $ ^16.13.1
- react-dom : $ ^16.13.1
- react-scripts : $ 3.4.1
- rebass : $ ^4.0.7
This project does not have dev dependencies
Happy Coding!