For more details about the project, please visit:
The goal is to design an AI using RL to play Ultimate Tic Tac Toe.
See the paper to learn the rules.
pip install pygame
pip install numpy
pip install time
pip install gym
pip install torchvision
You need to launch from the root of the folder the scripts in play_modes.
You can use to make 2 agent fight each other (one of them can be you).
The best agent is MinimaxPruningAgentSeveralRewards so try to beat him!
WARNING: You may experience some path issues. To solve this simply add the absolute path of this folder in the script like so
import sys
sys.path.append("C:\\Users\\Marie\\Organisation_Marie\\X\\3A\\INF 581 - Advanced machine learning\\Project\\UltimateTicTacToe-RL")
Enjoy !
You can launch play_modes/ to make each agent fight against each other for several games in order to get statistics. However, this process takes dozen of hours so you need to be patient. To then visualize the figure presented in the paper, you can then use with the values printed by the previous script.