The purpose of this application is to serve as a companion or partial substitution to a user's Spotify session. While listening through Spotify, a user can go to a previous song, play or pause the current song, or skip to the next song. In addition, the user can click on the recommendations button to have the application use the current song to make an API call to Spotify and have 3 songs similar to the current one recommended to them. From which they can choose to play and/or like.
Playing a song adds it to the user's song queue then skips the current song being listened too. And liking the song within the application adds it to the user's "liked songs" playlist.
Spotify has strict guidelines for applications and the usage of their API limiting who can utilize ShuffleMy to those who have their Spotify email personally added by myself
Due to this, below is a video demonstration of how the application functions for a user who has been given access to ShuffleMy: